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Famous movie scenes and their location in Italy

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Since the 1950's, the Cinema has contributed to increase Italy's appeal worldwide through famous movie scenes that are today part of our collective memory. It all started with Wiler's "Roman Holiday" (1953) featuring Hepburn and Peck driving their Vespa across the streets of Rome and touring famous spots like the Spanish steps. Then came Fellini's blockbuster "La Dolce Vita" (1960) where Anita Ekberg and Marcello Mastroianni played the famous scene in the Fontana di Trevi. Still in 1960, the movie "It started in Naples" - with Clark Gable and Sophia Loren - proposes splendid views of Capri in the background. In 2003, Audrey Well's "Under the Tuscan sun" reveals the beauties of Tuscany and the Amalfi coast in this movie where a writer buys a tuscan property to change life. This continues nowadays more than ever. In 2009, in "Angels and Demons", Tom Hanks follows a trail of ancient symbols to prevent a plot against the Church, that ends in the Pantheon. Julia Roberts spends a few months in Roma in "Eat, Pray, Love" (2010), where, as a divorced woman, she decides to engage in a journey across the planet. That same year, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, in "The Tourist", take us on board to explore Venice and its famous landmarks and attractions, among which the Piazza San Marco and the Guggenheim museum.

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The author

Nicolas Casula

Nicolas Casula

I got the travel virus when taking a 5-months travel break a few years ago. I believe that every place, every area is worth unveiling. Beauty lies everywhere.

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