XXO, Mumbai

Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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XXO, Mumbai: A High-End Party Haven with a Breathtaking View

Mumbai, the city that never sleeps, is known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling party scene. Among the numerous party hotspots in the city, XXO stands out as a high-end club and party lounge that offers an unforgettable experience. Situated on the 37th and 38th floors of the iconic St. Regis hotel in Lower Parel, XXO is a place where you can dance, eat, and indulge in the ultimate party experience.

A Luxurious Ambiance and Breathtaking Views

As you step into XXO, you are greeted by a lavish ambiance that exudes elegance and sophistication. The interiors are adorned with luxurious upholstery, leather accessories, and stunning decor, making it one of the most elite party destinations in Mumbai. The ceiling-to-floor windows offer a mesmerizing panoramic view of the Mumbai skyline, adding to the allure of the venue.

A Culinary Delight

XXO not only offers a vibrant party atmosphere but also tantalizes your taste buds with its extensive menu. The bar serves a wide range of signature and classic concocted drinks, ensuring that you have the perfect libation to accompany your night of revelry. The menu also features mouth-watering snacks and sumptuous food options, satisfying your cravings throughout the night.

Groovy Beats and Live Entertainment

The pulsating music and groovy beats at XXO keep the energy levels high throughout the night. The resident DJ, Madoc, spins tracks that will keep you on your feet, dancing the night away. Additionally, XXO frequently hosts live events, gigs, and shows, providing a platform for both established and emerging artists to showcase their talent.

A Celebrity Hotspot

XXO has gained popularity as a celebrity hotspot in Mumbai. The allure of the venue, combined with its luxurious ambiance and breathtaking views, attracts Bollywood stars and other prominent personalities. So, keep your eyes peeled, as you might just spot your favorite celebrity while partying at XXO.

When to Visit XXO

XXO is open from midweek to Sunday, offering an array of parties that go on until dawn. To ensure you don't miss out on the electrifying experience, it is advisable to make reservations in advance. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking for a night of fun and excitement, XXO promises to deliver an unforgettable party experience.


XXO, located on the 37th and 38th floors of the St. Regis hotel in Lower Parel, Mumbai, is a high-end club and party lounge that offers a luxurious and vibrant party experience. With its stunning decor, breathtaking views, delectable food, and groovy beats, XXO is a must-visit destination for party lovers in Mumbai. So, put on your dancing shoes, grab your friends, and get ready to immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere of XXO.

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Récits de voyage autour de XXO, Mumbai

Lieux à visiter autour de XXO, Mumbai