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Salamanca, the city of thought and knowledge!

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Travel Tips For Salamanca

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If you’re traveling in Spain and you’re a culture-lover, then a destination that shouldn’t be missed, is the beautiful city of Salamanca. Only a few kilometers far from the Spanish capital, Salamanca offers a great getaway and guarantees an excellent cultural experience. The city looks magical and it immediately mesmerizes you; huge buildings, small traditional houses, typical Spanish bars, big open squares, gothic churches, music all around, multiple different architectural styles (Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Plateresque) and of course lovely people, who are instantly willing to welcome you and make you feel like home!

Of course, I gotta mention that Salamanca’s old town has the world heritage designation by Unesco and it’s home to magnificent cultural monuments, museums & churches.

Once you arrive to Salamanca you instantly feel the “youth” atmosphere. Salamanca is a city full of universities and as a result, a city full of young people. The nightlife offered in the city is unique; traditional bars open till late, clubs, street “botellons”, fiestas all around and the best thing that I’ll never forget…bars serving breakfast at 5.30am! What’s the best way to end a great night out? Of course an early morning breakfast after which you‘re ready to jump under your blanket and wave goodbye to your upcoming hangover!

The main areas for nightlife are in the historic centre: Gran Vía street; the Varillas and Plaza de San Justo Square area; the area around Plaza Mayor Square - in Bordadores, Prior, Rúa Mayor and Meléndez streets, amongst others.

Plaza Mayor de Salamanca
Plaza Mayor de Salamanca
Plaza del Corrillo, 37002 Salamanca, Spain

The tapas culture;

Yes! Salamanca is one of those traditional Spanish cities where you’ll be served tapas, honestly, in EVERY bar! Once you order a drink you’ll get an aperitif, usually meat (multiple types of ham) and sometimes the plate is even bigger than you expect; and still, you don’t have to pay for it! If you’re a restaurant type of person, then Salamanca again has restaurants for every budget and every taste! Just roam through the city and it’ll be easy for you to decide where to eat!

Food Advise; While in Salamanca you should try typical products such as cured meats and Guijuelo ham, Armuña lentils, morucha beef, and sweets such as perrunillas (pastries) and &bollo maimón (kind of sponge). Be sure to try hornazo too. It is a pie filled with egg and other delicious ingredients (pork loin, chorizo sausage, ham...). It was traditionally eaten during Easter week, although can now be found all year round.

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The author

Chrisa Lepida

Chrisa Lepida

My name is Chrisa and I come from Greece. As nature lover, winter sports addict and Erasmus obsessed, I’m always writing about these topics.

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