Gerbeaud Café, Budapest

Budapest, Vörösmarty tér 7-8, 1051 Magyarország
+36 1 429 9000

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Gerbeaud Café: A Timeless Gem in Budapest

Nestled in the heart of Budapest, Gerbeaud Café stands as a testament to the city's rich history and culinary heritage. With its elegant facade and charming interior, this iconic coffeehouse has been enchanting locals and visitors alike since 1858. Let's dive into the captivating world of Gerbeaud Café and discover why it is a must-visit destination in Budapest.

A Historical Legacy

Gerbeaud Café's story began with Kugler Henrik, who established the café in 1858. Originally located elsewhere, the café found its permanent home on Vörösmarty tér, one of Budapest's most vibrant squares. From the very beginning, Gerbeaud Café captivated the people of Pest with its frothy coffee, delectable chocolates, and exquisite pastries.

A Culinary Wonderland

Step inside Gerbeaud Café, and you'll be transported to a bygone era of elegance and refinement. The café's interior exudes a timeless charm, with its ornate chandeliers, marble tables, and plush seating. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of beautifully crafted pastries will tempt your senses.

Indulge in Delights

Gerbeaud Café is renowned for its mouthwatering selection of cakes and pastries. One of their signature creations is the Kugler torte, a heavenly combination of chocolate, nuts, and cream. Another must-try is the Gerbeaud160 cake, a special treat created to celebrate the café's 160th anniversary. Made with the finest Hungarian ingredients, this cake perfectly balances tradition and innovation.

Architectural Marvels

Beyond its culinary delights, Gerbeaud Café is also a feast for the eyes. The café's stunning architecture showcases a blend of styles, including Art Nouveau and Neo-Baroque elements. The intricate details on the facade and the grandeur of the interior make Gerbeaud Café a true architectural gem.

Explore the Surroundings

Located in the heart of Budapest, Gerbeaud Café is surrounded by numerous attractions. Take a leisurely stroll along Vörösmarty tér and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of the square. Just a short walk away, you'll find the iconic Chain Bridge, offering breathtaking views of the Danube River and the city skyline.

When to Visit

Gerbeaud Café welcomes visitors throughout the year, but each season brings its own charm. In the warmer months, you can enjoy your coffee and pastries on the outdoor terrace, basking in the sunshine. During the winter, the café transforms into a cozy haven, adorned with festive decorations and serving warm drinks to ward off the chill.


Gerbeaud Café is more than just a coffeehouse; it is a living testament to Budapest's rich history and culinary traditions. Whether you're a coffee lover, a pastry enthusiast, or an architecture aficionado, a visit to Gerbeaud Café is an experience not to be missed. So, indulge in the delights, immerse yourself in the ambiance, and create lasting memories in this timeless gem of Budapest.

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