Phosphogypsum mountains of Kėdainiai

62WG+Q5 Kėdainiai, Kėdainiai District Municipality, Lithuania

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Exploring the Enigmatic Phosphogypsum Mountains of Kėdainiai

Nestled in the heart of Lithuania, the Phosphogypsum mountains of Kėdainiai stand as a unique and enigmatic attraction. Located near the village of Medekšiai, these mountains are a testament to the region's industrial history and offer visitors a fascinating glimpse into the past. Let's embark on a journey to discover the secrets of this captivating destination.

A Historical Marvel

The Phosphogypsum mountains of Kėdainiai have a rich historical significance. The village of Medekšiai itself dates back to the 15th century and has witnessed the rise and fall of various noble families. King Jogaila once presented the village to a certain Proszczy, whose nickname was Medekša, giving the village its name. Over the centuries, Medekšiai became a property of the Geištarai family, leaving behind a legacy that still echoes through the landscape.

Unveiling the Industrial Past

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Phosphogypsum mountains is their connection to the "Lifosa" fertilizer factory. Adjacent to Medekšiai, this factory has left behind a phosphogypsum waste dump that has transformed into a unique geological formation. The mountains, composed of phosphogypsum, create a striking contrast against the surrounding landscape, with their white and yellow hues standing out against the greenery.

A Photographer's Paradise

For photography enthusiasts, the Phosphogypsum mountains offer a plethora of captivating scenes. The stark contrast between the white phosphogypsum and the vibrant colors of the surrounding nature creates a visually stunning composition. Whether you're capturing the mountains from a distance or exploring their intricate details up close, you're bound to capture breathtaking shots that will leave a lasting impression.

Exploring the Surroundings

While the Phosphogypsum mountains themselves are a sight to behold, there's more to discover in the vicinity. Just a short distance away, the Šerkšnys river flows peacefully, offering a tranquil setting for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. Additionally, the Jonava-Šeduva road, which runs alongside the mountains, provides a scenic drive with picturesque views at every turn.

When to Visit

The best time to visit the Phosphogypsum mountains of Kėdainiai is during the spring and summer months when the surrounding nature is in full bloom. The vibrant colors of the flora and the clear blue skies create a picturesque backdrop for your exploration. However, each season has its own charm, so visiting during autumn or winter can offer a unique perspective and a sense of tranquility.


The Phosphogypsum mountains of Kėdainiai in Lithuania are a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With their historical significance, unique geological formations, and picturesque surroundings, they offer a captivating experience for travelers seeking something off the beaten path. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or a photography enthusiast, these mountains will leave an indelible mark on your journey through Kėdainiai. So, pack your bags and embark on an adventure to unravel the secrets of this extraordinary destination.

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