Szikla-spring, Szilvásvárad

Szilvásvárad, 3348 Magyarország

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Discover the Majestic Szikla-spring in Szilvásvárad

Nestled in the picturesque Szalajka Valley, Szikla-spring stands as one of the most remarkable natural wonders in Szilvásvárad. As the largest spring in the Bükk Mountains, this geological treasure is located just a stone's throw away from the enchanting Fátyol-waterfall. Let's embark on a journey to explore the captivating beauty and attractions of Szikla-spring.

A Natural Gem in the Bükk Mountains

The Szalajka Valley, situated in the Bükk Mountains, is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Over millions of years, the Szalajka stream has carved a 4 km (2.5 mile) long valley, creating a harmonious landscape with unique features. At the foot of Istállós-kő, Hungary's third highest peak, the Szalajka stream originates, giving birth to the mesmerizing Szikla-spring.

A Scenic Oasis

As you venture into the Szalajka Valley, you'll encounter a tranquil lake formed by the Szikla-spring. Surrounding the lake, you'll find several artificial ponds where different types of trout are bred. The local cuisine in Szilvásvárad is renowned for its delicious brown trout dishes, making it a must-try for food enthusiasts.

Explore the Szalajka Valley

Beyond its natural beauty, the Szalajka Valley offers a range of activities for visitors. Hop aboard the charming forest railway, which takes you from Szilvásvárad through the fish ponds to the field above the Fátyol-waterfall. The valley also provides opportunities for cycling enthusiasts to explore its scenic trails.

Uncover History and Culture

Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the Szalajka Valley. Visit the forest museum, known as the Erdei Múzeum, to learn about the region's flora and fauna. Don't miss the Ősember-barlang, a cave that served as one of the earliest human settlements in Hungary, offering a glimpse into the past.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Szikla-spring and the Szalajka Valley is during the spring and summer months when the weather is pleasant and nature is in full bloom. The vibrant colors of the surrounding foliage and the gushing waters of the spring create a truly magical atmosphere.

How to Get There

To reach Szikla-spring in Szilvásvárad, you can take the M3 (E71) highway from Budapest or Miskolc/Nyíregyháza/Debrecen. From the Füzesabony/Eger exit, follow the signs to Eger and then continue on to Bélapátfalva, finally arriving in Szilvásvárad. If you're coming from Eger, you can stay on the main road without the need to deviate.


Szikla-spring in Szilvásvárad is a true gem of the Bükk Mountains, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. From the captivating lake formed by the spring to the rich history and cultural attractions of the Szalajka Valley, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Plan your visit to Szikla-spring and experience the enchantment of this remarkable destination.

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