Landa Riverhouse Hotel

Parrot junction, 80300 Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka

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Discover the Serenity of Landa Riverhouse Hotel in Ambalangoda

Nestled in the picturesque town of Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka, the Landa Riverhouse Hotel offers a truly enchanting experience for travelers seeking tranquility and luxury. With its spectacular river view banquets and luxurious rooms, this hotel is a hidden gem that promises to captivate your senses and leave you with unforgettable memories.

A Serene Retreat

Situated in the southern province of Sri Lanka, Ambalangoda is a charming coastal town known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty. The Landa Riverhouse Hotel perfectly embodies the essence of this serene retreat, offering guests a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Immerse Yourself in Luxury

Step into the Landa Riverhouse Hotel and be greeted by a seamless blend of modern elegance and traditional charm. The hotel boasts 5-star quality technology and finishing, ensuring that every aspect of your stay is nothing short of exceptional. From the moment you enter, you'll be enveloped in a world of luxury and comfort.

Spectacular River Views

One of the highlights of the Landa Riverhouse Hotel is its breathtaking river view banquets. Imagine savoring a delicious meal while being surrounded by the tranquil waters of the river. The mesmerizing views create a serene ambiance that is perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Explore Ambalangoda

While the Landa Riverhouse Hotel offers a haven of tranquility, there are plenty of exciting activities and attractions to explore in Ambalangoda and its surroundings. Take a stroll along the pristine beaches and marvel at the coral gardens and colorful marine creatures that inhabit the waters. For those interested in history, Ambalangoda is home to archaeological reserves and ancient reservoirs, providing a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Architectural Marvels

Ambalangoda is renowned for its traditional mask-making industry, and visitors can witness the intricate craftsmanship firsthand. The town is dotted with workshops and galleries where artisans create stunning masks that are used in traditional dance performances and rituals. Don't miss the opportunity to witness this unique art form and take home a piece of Ambalangoda's cultural heritage.

The Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Ambalangoda and experience the beauty of the Landa Riverhouse Hotel is during the dry season, which runs from December to April. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and you can fully enjoy the outdoor activities and attractions that the town has to offer.


If you're looking for a serene retreat that combines luxury, natural beauty, and cultural heritage, look no further than the Landa Riverhouse Hotel in Ambalangoda. With its spectacular river views, luxurious accommodations, and proximity to exciting attractions, this hidden gem is the perfect destination for a truly unforgettable getaway.

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