Ponte di Ariccia

Ponte monumentale di Ariccia, Via del Pometo, 26, 00040 Ariccia RM, Italia

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Discover the Magnificent Ponte di Ariccia in Ariccia

If you're planning a trip to the beautiful region of Ariccia in Italy, make sure to include a visit to the Ponte di Ariccia on your itinerary. This monumental road viaduct, located between kilometers 23 and 24 of the state road 7 Via Appia, is a true marvel of engineering and a testament to the rich history of the area.

Historical Significance

The Ponte di Ariccia was built in the mid-nineteenth century with the aim of rectifying the route of the Via Appia between Albano Laziale and Ariccia. The original Via Appia Antica, constructed in 312 BC, followed a different path, descending towards Vallericcia before ascending towards Genzano di Roma through a monumental viaduct. However, with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the road began to deteriorate, and it was only in the late 18th century that Pope Pius VI ordered the rectification of the Via Appia between Rome and Terracina.

Architectural Features

Designed by the renowned engineer Giuseppe Bertolini, the Ponte di Ariccia is a masterpiece of architectural ingenuity. The bridge was completed in 1854 and features four travertine columns at its heads, reminiscent of the ancient Roman milestones along the Via Appia Antica. These columns bear inscriptions commemorating Pope Pius IX, who commissioned the bridge, the Minister of Commerce and Fine Arts Camillo Jacobini, and the architect Giuseppe Bertolini.

Fun Facts and Things to Do

  • The Ponte di Ariccia is not only a historical landmark but also a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. Its elegant design and picturesque surroundings make it a perfect subject for capturing stunning images.
  • While visiting the bridge, take a leisurely stroll along the Via Appia Antica, which runs adjacent to it. This ancient Roman road is lined with beautiful cypress trees and offers a glimpse into the past.
  • Don't miss the opportunity to explore the charming town of Ariccia itself. Known for its delicious porchetta (roast pork), Ariccia is home to several traditional trattorias where you can savor this local specialty.
  • If you're interested in art and history, visit the Palazzo Chigi, a magnificent palace located nearby. The palace houses the Museo Berniniano, which showcases the works of the renowned Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

When to Visit

The Ponte di Ariccia can be visited year-round, but the best time to explore the area is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and the landscape is at its most vibrant. Consider planning your visit during the annual Porchetta Festival, held in August, where you can indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of this local delicacy.


The Ponte di Ariccia is not only a remarkable feat of engineering but also a symbol of the rich history and cultural heritage of the Ariccia region. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply looking for a picturesque spot to capture stunning photographs, a visit to this magnificent bridge is a must. So, make sure to include the Ponte di Ariccia in your travel plans and immerse yourself in the beauty and history of this enchanting destination.

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