Morro de Arica, Arica

Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile

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Discover the Majestic Morro de Arica in Arica

Welcome to Arica, a charming coastal city in northern Chile. Nestled within this vibrant city is the iconic Morro de Arica, a steep hill that offers breathtaking views and a rich historical significance. Join me as we explore this magnificent landmark and uncover its hidden treasures.

Historical Significance

Morro de Arica played a pivotal role in the War of the Pacific, which took place from 1879 to 1883. As the last stronghold of the Peruvian troops, it became a symbol of resistance. On June 7, 1880, Chilean troops launched a daring assault and successfully captured the hill, marking a significant turning point in the war. Today, the Morro stands as a testament to the bravery and valor displayed by both sides during this historic conflict.

Architectural Features

Rising 139 meters above sea level, Morro de Arica dominates the cityscape with its imposing presence. The hill boasts a unique blend of architectural features, including a small square adorned with various monuments and a balcony. At the summit, you'll find a giant flag of Chile proudly waving in the wind, serving as a reminder of the country's unity and resilience.

Breathtaking Views

One of the main attractions of Morro de Arica is the panoramic view it offers. As you ascend the hill, you'll be treated to sweeping vistas of the city of Arica and the glistening beaches of the Pacific Ocean. The sight is truly awe-inspiring, providing the perfect backdrop for memorable photographs and moments of contemplation.

Things to Do and See

Aside from its historical significance and stunning views, Morro de Arica offers a range of activities for visitors to enjoy. Take a leisurely stroll along the pedestrian path that starts at the end of Colón street and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings. Explore the small square and admire the intricate monuments that pay homage to the heroes of the past.

Fun Facts

Did you know that Morro de Arica was declared a national monument on October 6, 1971? This recognition highlights its cultural and historical importance to the region. Additionally, the hill's gentle slope towards the east makes it easier to access, whether by car or on foot.

When to Visit

Arica enjoys a mild climate throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for outdoor exploration. However, to fully appreciate the beauty of Morro de Arica, I recommend visiting during the early morning or late afternoon when the sun casts a golden glow over the landscape. This magical time of day enhances the colors and adds a touch of enchantment to your experience.


Morro de Arica is more than just a hill; it is a symbol of resilience, history, and natural beauty. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking a breathtaking view, this iconic landmark in Arica is sure to captivate your heart and leave you with lasting memories. So, come and discover the majestic Morro de Arica for yourself.

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Histórias de viagem em redor Morro de Arica, Arica

Locais a visitar Morro de Arica, Arica