Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum

Depenbrock, 32469 Neuenknick, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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Статья переведена с помощью компьютерных технологий.

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Discover the Hidden Gem: Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum in Neuenknick

If you're a fan of engineering marvels and vintage vehicles, then the Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum in Neuenknick is a must-visit destination. Tucked away in the charming town of Neuenknick, this small museum takes visitors on a journey through time, showcasing a fascinating collection of technical cultural assets.

Uncover the Rich History

The museum's core mission is to collect and preserve technical cultural assets, and it does so with great passion and dedication. The collections are continually being built up and expanded, thanks to private donations. This means that each visit to the museum offers a unique experience, as new artifacts are added regularly.

Marvel at the Vintage Vehicles

One of the highlights of the Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum is its impressive collection of vintage vehicles. From classic cars to motorcycles and even agricultural machinery, you'll find a diverse range of vehicles that will transport you back in time. Take a stroll through the museum and admire the craftsmanship and engineering prowess of these historical treasures.

Immerse Yourself in the World of Props

In addition to the vehicles, the museum also houses a remarkable collection of props. These props have been used in various films and TV productions, adding a touch of Hollywood glamour to the museum. As you explore the exhibits, you'll come across familiar objects that have played a role in bringing stories to life on the silver screen.

Plan Your Visit

The Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum is open to the public, and visitors of all ages are welcome to explore its fascinating displays. The museum is located in Neuenknick, a picturesque town in Petershagen. It's advisable to check the museum's website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on opening hours and admission fees.

Nearby Attractions

While you're in Neuenknick, take the opportunity to explore the town and its surroundings. Neuenknick is known for its beautiful countryside, offering ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. You can also visit the nearby Weser River, where you can enjoy a leisurely boat ride or simply relax by the water's edge.


The Technik - Fahrzeug - Requisiten Museum in Neuenknick is a hidden gem that offers a unique and immersive experience for enthusiasts of engineering, vintage vehicles, and film props. With its ever-expanding collection and dedication to preserving technical cultural assets, this museum is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a glimpse into the past. So, plan your visit and prepare to be amazed by the rich history and captivating exhibits that await you in Neuenknick.

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