Caldo Verde

R. do Vale 10, 4930 Boivão, Portugal






Discover the Delightful Caldo Verde in Boivão

If you're a fan of Portuguese cuisine or simply looking to try something new and delicious, then Caldo Verde is a must-try dish. This traditional soup, meaning "green broth" in Portuguese, has gained popularity not only in Portugal but also in various Portuguese communities around the world. And lucky for you, Boivão is home to some fantastic places where you can savor this delightful dish.

A Taste of Tradition

Caldo Verde originated from the Minho Province in northern Portugal and has become a beloved national favorite. The basic traditional ingredients include potatoes, kale (or collard greens), olive oil, and salt. Some variations may include garlic or onion for added flavor. The soup is often accompanied by slices of paio, chouriço, or linguiça, and served with Portuguese broa cornbread for dipping.

Where to Enjoy Caldo Verde

While Caldo Verde can be found in Portuguese celebrations and gatherings, you don't have to wait for a special occasion to indulge in this comforting soup. In Boivão, there are several restaurants and cafes that serve authentic Caldo Verde, allowing you to experience the true flavors of Portugal. One popular spot is Restaurante Sabores de Boivão, known for its delicious traditional dishes, including Caldo Verde.

Explore Boivão's Portuguese Community

Boivão is home to a vibrant Portuguese community, making it an ideal place to immerse yourself in Portuguese culture and cuisine. Take the opportunity to visit local markets and grocery stores, where you can find the freshest ingredients to recreate Caldo Verde in the comfort of your own kitchen. You can also engage with the locals and learn more about their traditions and customs.

Other Portuguese Delights

While you're in Boivão, why not explore other Portuguese dishes and treats? From pastéis de nata (custard tarts) to bacalhau (salted cod), Portuguese cuisine offers a wide range of flavors and culinary delights. Don't miss the chance to try these dishes and expand your culinary horizons. Some popular restaurants in Boivão that serve these delicacies include Restaurante O Tasco and Casa do Bacalhau.

When to Visit

Boivão is a destination that can be enjoyed year-round, but if you're specifically interested in experiencing Portuguese culture and cuisine, consider planning your visit during Portuguese celebrations or festivals. The St. John festival, held in nearby Valença, is a particularly vibrant and lively event where you can immerse yourself in Portuguese traditions and enjoy a bowl of Caldo Verde.


Caldo Verde is more than just a soup; it's a taste of Portuguese tradition and culture. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or simply looking to try something new, Boivão offers a fantastic opportunity to indulge in this delicious dish. So, make sure to add Caldo Verde to your culinary bucket list and embark on a flavorful journey through Portuguese cuisine in Boivão.

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