Gellerup Museum

Gudrunsvej 16, 6. sal tv., 8220 Brabrand






Explore the Authenticity of Gellerup Museum in Brabrand

Located in the heart of Gelleruparken, the Gellerup Museum offers visitors a unique opportunity to delve into the history and future of one of Denmark's largest social housing buildings. As a local apartment museum, it provides an authentic glimpse into the lives of the residents and showcases the transformation of the area over the years.

A Step Back in Time

Upon entering the museum, visitors are transported back to the 1970s, a pivotal era in Gellerup's history. The large living room of the apartment is adorned with interiors from that time period, allowing you to experience the ambiance and style of the era. Additionally, a corner of the living room is dedicated to showcasing the interior of a Gellerup collective, providing a fascinating insight into communal living arrangements.

Exhibitions and Views

Gellerup Museum boasts three captivating exhibitions that shed light on the area's rich history. From the early days of Gellerupparken's construction to the present, these exhibits offer a comprehensive overview of the community's development. One of the highlights of the museum is its location on the 6th floor of Gudrunsvej, providing visitors with breathtaking panoramic views of Aarhus and Aarhus Bay. The vista offers a unique perspective on the ongoing changes in the area, including the demolition of blocks and road construction.

Opening Hours and Guided Tours

The museum welcomes visitors every Tuesday from 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 17:00, with free admission. Additionally, on the first Sunday of each month, the museum can be visited by appointment from 14:00 to 16:00, also with free entrance. To arrange a visit on Sundays, it is advisable to contact the museum inspector, Anne Katrine Graah Rasmussen, no later than Thursday.

For those interested in a more immersive experience, guided tours led by Gellerup residents are available. These tours provide firsthand accounts of life in Gellerup and offer insights into the ongoing changes in the area. The tours last approximately 1.5 hours and can accommodate up to 25 people. The cost for a guided tour is 500 DKK.

Support and Future Plans

Gellerup Museum faced temporary closure due to financial constraints, but thanks to the support of Aarhus Municipality, it has reopened its doors to the public. The municipality has committed to paying the annual rent of approximately 120,000 DKK, ensuring the museum's continued operation. This support allows the museum to not only offer regular Sunday openings but also welcome school groups, students, and other interested individuals who wish to learn more about Gellerup.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to Gellerup Museum, it is recommended to check the opening hours and contact the museum inspector for any specific arrangements. Whether you are interested in exploring the history of Gellerupparken, enjoying the stunning views, or engaging in a guided tour, the museum offers a unique and insightful experience.

Gellerup Museum is not just a museum; it is a gateway to understanding the past, present, and future of Gelleruparken. So, come and immerse yourself in the authenticity of this remarkable place and discover the stories that have shaped the community of Brabrand.

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