Imperio Discotheque Calama

Avda. Granaderos 2651 2ºPiso, Calama, Antofagasta
+56 9 9053 3552






Experience the Vibrant Nightlife at Imperio Discotheque Calama

If you're looking for a thrilling night out in Calama, look no further than Imperio Discotheque. Located in the heart of the city, this popular nightclub is a must-visit for partygoers and music lovers alike. With its energetic atmosphere, top-notch DJs, and impressive lineup of events, Imperio Discotheque promises an unforgettable experience.

Fun Facts about Imperio Discotheque Calama

  • Imperio Discotheque is one of the largest and most renowned nightclubs in Calama, attracting both locals and tourists.
  • The club features multiple dance floors, each playing a different genre of music, ensuring there's something for everyone.
  • The venue boasts state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, creating an immersive and electrifying ambiance.
  • Imperio Discotheque often hosts themed parties and special events, adding an extra element of excitement to your night out.
  • The club is known for its friendly and professional staff, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all patrons.

Things to Do and See Nearby

While Imperio Discotheque is undoubtedly the highlight of Calama's nightlife scene, there are plenty of other attractions to explore during the day. Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Chuquicamata Mine: As one of the largest open-pit copper mines in the world, a visit to Chuquicamata Mine is a must for history and industry enthusiasts. Take a guided tour to learn about the mining process and witness the sheer scale of this impressive operation.

  1. San Pedro de Atacama: Just a short drive from Calama, San Pedro de Atacama is a charming town surrounded by breathtaking natural wonders. Explore the otherworldly landscapes of the Atacama Desert, visit the stunning salt flats of Salar de Atacama, or stargaze at one of the world's clearest skies.

  1. Museo del Desierto: Delve into the rich cultural and natural history of the Atacama Desert at the Museo del Desierto. Discover fascinating exhibits on geology, archaeology, and the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this arid region.

When to Visit Imperio Discotheque Calama

Imperio Discotheque is open throughout the week, but the best nights to visit are usually Fridays and Saturdays when the club is at its liveliest. The party typically kicks off around midnight and continues until the early hours of the morning. It's worth noting that the club can get quite crowded during peak hours, so arriving early or booking a table in advance is recommended.


Imperio Discotheque Calama is the ultimate destination for those seeking an unforgettable night out in Calama. With its vibrant atmosphere, top-notch music, and friendly staff, this nightclub promises an exhilarating experience. Don't miss the opportunity to dance the night away and create lasting memories at Imperio Discotheque. And while you're in Calama, make sure to explore the fascinating attractions nearby, such as the Chuquicamata Mine and the enchanting town of San Pedro de Atacama.

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