Pine Tree Farm

Cutacre Way, BL5 1FN Bolton






Welcome to Pine Tree Farm: A Hidden Gem in Bolton

If you're looking for a hidden gem in Bolton, look no further than Pine Tree Farm. Nestled just outside the bustling town, this charming pub and carvery restaurant is a must-visit for locals and tourists alike. With its friendly atmosphere, delicious food, and picturesque surroundings, Pine Tree Farm offers a unique experience that will leave you wanting more.

Fun Facts about Pine Tree Farm

Did you know that Pine Tree Farm is part of the Farmhouse Inn chain? This means that you can expect the same warm and welcoming atmosphere that the brand is known for. The pub and carvery restaurant are currently under construction and are set to open their doors at the end of July. Excitement is building as locals eagerly await the grand opening.

Things to Do and See

Once you step foot inside Pine Tree Farm, you'll be greeted by a cozy and inviting interior. The rustic decor and comfortable seating make it the perfect place to relax and unwind. Whether you're stopping by for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, there's something on the menu to satisfy every palate.

One of the highlights of Pine Tree Farm is its famous carvery. Indulge in a mouthwatering selection of succulent meats, accompanied by a variety of freshly prepared vegetables and all the trimmings. The carvery is a hit with locals, and it's easy to see why. The generous portions and unbeatable flavors make it a dining experience to remember.

Nearby Attractions

While Pine Tree Farm itself is a destination worth visiting, there are also plenty of attractions nearby to explore. Just a short drive away is the picturesque Smithills Hall, a historic manor house dating back to the 14th century. Take a guided tour and immerse yourself in the rich history of the area.

For nature enthusiasts, the nearby Smithills Open Farm is a must-visit. Get up close and personal with a variety of farm animals, take a tractor ride, or enjoy a leisurely stroll through the beautiful countryside. It's a great place to spend a day with the family and create lasting memories.

When to Visit

Pine Tree Farm is a year-round destination, offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere no matter the season. However, if you're looking to avoid the crowds, it's best to visit during weekdays or outside of peak dining hours. This way, you can fully enjoy the tranquility and charm of the place.


Pine Tree Farm in Bolton is a hidden gem that offers a unique dining experience in a picturesque setting. With its friendly atmosphere, delicious food, and nearby attractions, it's the perfect place to unwind and create lasting memories. Whether you're a local or a tourist passing through, be sure to add Pine Tree Farm to your list of must-visit destinations.

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