Schweizer Dufour Museum

Dufourweg 2-4, 6417 Sattel, Switzerland






Discover the Fascinating History at Schweizer Dufour Museum in Sattel

Nestled in the picturesque town of Sattel, Switzerland, the Schweizer Dufour Museum offers a captivating journey into the life and achievements of Guillaume Henri Dufour (1787-1875). This unique museum showcases Dufour's contributions as a scientist, engineer, cartographer, military leader, and politician. Let's delve into the fascinating highlights of this historical gem.

Unveiling the Dufour Map: A Landmark in Cartography

One of the museum's prized possessions is the famous Dufour map. Considered the first precise and reliable Swiss map, it showcases Switzerland with astonishing graphic accuracy at a scale of 1:100,000. This masterpiece revolutionized cartography and remains a testament to Dufour's meticulous attention to detail. Marvel at the intricate landscapes and gain a deeper understanding of Switzerland's geography.

Rare Military Maps and Artifacts

In addition to the Dufour map, the Schweizer Dufour Museum houses a collection of rare military maps. These include maps from the Nazi and Cold War periods, providing a unique glimpse into Switzerland's strategic planning during these tumultuous times. Visitors can also explore a variety of artifacts related to surveying instruments, calculating devices, theodolites, planimeters, crypto machines, and encryption devices. Immerse yourself in the world of military technology and gain insight into the challenges faced by Swiss forces.

Exploring the Life and Legacy of Guillaume Henri Dufour

The museum offers a comprehensive exploration of Guillaume Henri Dufour's life and achievements. Discover his role as a scientist, engineer, and politician, as well as his contributions to fortifications, hydraulic engineering, suspension bridge construction, and architecture. Dufour's military leadership during the Sonderbundskrieg and Neuenburger trade is also highlighted. Gain a deeper appreciation for his pivotal role in shaping Switzerland's history.

Architectural Marvels: Bunkers and Fortresses

The Schweizer Dufour Museum is housed within the impressive Bunker 2 (A7352), which was originally equipped with two 10.5 cm guns. This architectural marvel has been transformed into a captivating exhibition space, showcasing Dufour's work and military applications. Explore the bunker's interior and marvel at the preserved original equipment, including cannons, ammunition, and crew accommodation. The museum also offers guided tours of Bunker 1 (A7351), providing visitors with a unique opportunity to experience the complete original equipment of a fortress.

When to Visit and How to Get There

The Schweizer Dufour Museum is open from May to October, welcoming visitors on Saturdays and Sundays during the first weekend of each month. Guided tours are available at 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm. To reach the museum, you can take a bus to Unteraegeri or Sattel and then embark on a scenic hike to Alp Halsegg, where the museum is located. Alternatively, if you prefer to drive, follow the directions to Hageggli from Unteraegeri or Sattel.

Immerse Yourself in History at Schweizer Dufour Museum

Whether you're a history enthusiast, a cartography aficionado, or simply curious about Switzerland's military past, the Schweizer Dufour Museum in Sattel is a must-visit destination. Explore the life and legacy of Guillaume Henri Dufour, marvel at the architectural wonders of the bunkers and fortresses, and immerse yourself in the rich history of Switzerland. Plan your visit and embark on a captivating journey through time.

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