Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz

hipolito yrigoyen 290, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz

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Discover the Charming Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz in Villa Carlos Paz

Nestled in the picturesque town of Villa Carlos Paz, Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz offers a delightful stay for travelers seeking a comfortable and affordable accommodation option. This two-star hotel is located in the heart of Villa Carlos Paz, making it a convenient base for exploring the town and its surrounding attractions.

A Convenient Location

Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz is situated in the vibrant neighborhood of Villa Domínguez, just a short distance from the town center. Its prime location allows guests to easily access the town's main attractions, including the iconic Carlos Paz Lake and the famous Cuckoo Clock, which is one of the largest in South America.

Comfortable and Affordable Accommodation

The hotel boasts a range of comfortable rooms, each equipped with essential amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. Guests can choose from a variety of room types, including single, double, and triple rooms, all of which are tastefully decorated and feature modern conveniences such as air conditioning, private bathrooms, and complimentary Wi-Fi.

Fun Facts about Villa Carlos Paz

Villa Carlos Paz is a popular tourist destination known for its vibrant atmosphere and stunning natural beauty. Here are some fun facts about this charming town:

  1. Villa Carlos Paz is often referred to as the "Pearl of the Sierras" due to its breathtaking mountainous landscape and crystal-clear lakes.

  1. The town is famous for its lively theater scene, with numerous theaters hosting a variety of shows and performances throughout the year.

  1. Villa Carlos Paz is home to the Carlos Paz Summer Theater Festival, one of the largest theater festivals in Argentina, attracting both national and international artists.

Things to Do and See

During your stay at Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz, there are plenty of activities and attractions to explore. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Take a leisurely stroll along the scenic waterfront of Carlos Paz Lake, where you can enjoy stunning views of the surrounding mountains and indulge in water sports such as kayaking and paddleboarding.

  1. Visit the iconic Cuckoo Clock, a must-see attraction in Villa Carlos Paz. Every hour, the clock comes to life with music and dancing figurines, delighting visitors of all ages.

  1. Explore the nearby Natural Reserve Los Chorrillos, a tranquil oasis boasting beautiful waterfalls and lush greenery. It's the perfect spot for nature lovers and hikers.

When to Visit

Villa Carlos Paz enjoys a pleasant climate throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for a vacation at any time. However, the town truly comes alive during the summer months (December to February) when tourists flock to enjoy the warm weather and vibrant atmosphere. If you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring (September to November) or autumn (March to May).


Hotel Dana Villa Carlos Paz offers a comfortable and affordable stay in the heart of Villa Carlos Paz. With its convenient location, cozy rooms, and proximity to the town's main attractions, it is an excellent choice for travelers looking to explore the beauty and charm of this enchanting town. Whether you're seeking outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply a relaxing getaway, Villa Carlos Paz has something to offer everyone.

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