Markaryds Bowling

Hannabadsvägen 2F, 28532 Markaryd

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Markaryds Bowling: A Fun-Filled Destination in Markaryd

If you're looking for a fun and exciting activity in the charming town of Markaryd, look no further than Markaryds Bowling. This bowling hall, located in the heart of Markaryd, offers a range of entertainment options for visitors of all ages. From bowling to minigolf, shuffleboard to dart, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

A Brief History

Markaryds Bowling opened its doors on February 1, 2013, becoming the first bowling hall in the town. However, the idea had been brewing for many years prior. Before the construction of the hall, the Markaryds Bowling Club had already been formed, with approximately 20 members playing in the neighboring town of Osby. With the opening of the bowling hall, the number of players quickly grew, and today, after 10 years, around 450 people play here every week.

Fun Facts

Did you know that Markaryds Bowling is not just a bowling hall? In addition to the main attraction, visitors can also enjoy other activities such as minigolf, shuffleboard, and dart. But that's not all! Markaryds Bowling also boasts two outdoor padel courts with roofs, allowing visitors to play year-round. So whether you're a bowling enthusiast or looking to try something new, this place has got you covered.

Things to Do and See

Markaryds Bowling offers a range of activities to keep visitors entertained. Challenge your friends or family to a friendly game of bowling and see who can score the most strikes. If you're in the mood for some friendly competition, try your hand at shuffleboard or dart. And if you're looking for a more relaxed experience, why not enjoy a round of minigolf? With so many options available, you'll never run out of things to do at Markaryds Bowling.

When to Visit

Markaryds Bowling is open year-round, making it a great destination no matter the season. Whether you're visiting during the warm summer months or the cozy winter season, you can enjoy the various activities offered at the bowling hall. It's the perfect place to spend a rainy day or to escape the heat during the summer.


Markaryds Bowling is more than just a bowling hall; it's a hub of entertainment in the town of Markaryd. With its range of activities, friendly atmosphere, and welcoming staff, it's no wonder that this place has become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. So the next time you find yourself in Markaryd, be sure to pay a visit to Markaryds Bowling for a fun-filled experience you won't soon forget.

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