Up Helly Aa in Lerwick

Islesburgh Complex,, King Harald St, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0EQ, Reino Unido

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Este texto foi traduzido para Português a partir do original em English

Experience the Spectacle of Up Helly Aa in Lerwick

If you're looking for a unique and exhilarating winter festival, look no further than Up Helly Aa in Lerwick, Shetland. This annual event, held on the last Tuesday in January, is a celebration of Shetland's rich history and Norse heritage. With its impressive torch-lit procession and the burning of a galley, Up Helly Aa is a sight to behold.

A Brief History of Up Helly Aa

Up Helly Aa has its roots in the ancient Viking tradition of celebrating the end of the yule season with fire festivals. The Lerwick festival, probably the largest of its kind, dates back to the 19th century and has evolved into a grand spectacle over the years. Today, it involves a series of marches, visitations, and the main event - the torch-lit procession.

The Torch-Lit Procession

The highlight of Up Helly Aa is undoubtedly the torch-lit procession. Picture this: almost 1,000 heavily-disguised torch-bearers, known as "guizers," form ranks in the darkened streets of Lerwick. The lead squad, known as the Jarl Squad, dresses as Vikings, while the other squads don a variety of themed costumes. Each guizer carries a torch made from a fencing post topped with paraffin-soaked sacking.

At 7:30 pm, a signal rocket bursts over Lerwick Town Hall, signaling the start of the procession. The torches are lit, the band strikes up, and the blazing procession begins, snaking through the streets of Lerwick. The Guizer Jarl, representing the Viking chief, stands proudly at the helm of a replica longship, or "galley." The guizers circle the galley in a mesmerizing display of fire, creating a Catherine Wheel effect. Finally, the Jarl leaves the galley, and the torches are hurled into the vessel, engulfing it in flames.

The Preparation and Secrecy

Up Helly Aa is not just a one-day event; it takes months of preparation and secrecy. The Guizer Jarl and the squads spend countless hours planning and creating their costumes and acts. The biggest secret of all is the Guizer Jarl's attire and the character from the Norse Sagas they will represent. This element of surprise adds to the excitement and anticipation surrounding the festival.

Other Local Versions of Up Helly Aa

While the Lerwick festival is the most well-known, other local versions of Up Helly Aa take place throughout the Shetland Islands. From Sumburgh in the South Mainland to Norwick in Unst, each festival has its own unique identity and welcomes visitors. So, if you can't make it to Lerwick, you can still experience the magic of Up Helly Aa in other parts of Shetland.

When to Visit Lerwick for Up Helly Aa

If you want to witness the spectacle of Up Helly Aa in Lerwick, plan your visit for the last Tuesday in January. This is when the festival takes place each year. Keep in mind that the festival attracts a large number of visitors, so it's advisable to book your accommodation well in advance.


Up Helly Aa in Lerwick is a truly unforgettable experience. From the torch-lit procession to the burning of the galley, this winter festival showcases the rich history and vibrant culture of Shetland. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply looking for an exciting event to attend, Up Helly Aa is sure to leave you in awe. So, mark your calendars and get ready to witness this incredible celebration in Lerwick.

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