Calper - Uniformes para clínicas, restaurante, hoteles, casinos y mucho más

Portugal 191, 8330147 Santiago, Chile






Calper - Uniformes para clínicas, restaurante, hoteles, casinos y mucho más: The Perfect Destination for Quality Uniforms in Santiago

If you're in Santiago and in need of high-quality uniforms for clinics, restaurants, hotels, casinos, and more, look no further than Calper. This renowned establishment offers a wide range of uniforms and footwear for professionals in various industries. Whether you're a chef, a medical professional, or a hospitality worker, Calper has got you covered.

A One-Stop Shop for Uniforms and Footwear

Calper is a leading provider of uniforms and footwear in Santiago. They offer an extensive selection of products, including chef jackets, pants, shoes, and accessories. Their range of uniforms is not limited to the culinary industry; they also cater to professionals in clinics, hotels, casinos, and other sectors. With Calper, you can find the perfect attire to suit your needs and make a lasting impression in your workplace.

Quality and Durability

One of the standout features of Calper's products is their exceptional quality and durability. The uniforms and footwear they offer are made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the demands of various work environments. Whether you're working in a busy kitchen or a bustling hotel, Calper's uniforms will keep you comfortable and looking professional throughout your shift.

Fun Facts about Calper

  • Calper has been in the uniform business for over 20 years, earning a reputation for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
  • They have a team of experienced professionals who can provide personalized assistance and guidance to help you find the perfect uniform for your needs.
  • Calper's showroom in Santiago is a must-visit for anyone looking for stylish and functional work attire.

Things to Do and See in Santiago

While visiting Santiago to explore Calper's offerings, take the opportunity to discover the city's vibrant culture and attractions. Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Explore the Historic Center: Visit the Plaza de Armas, the heart of Santiago's historic district, and admire the stunning architecture of the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Central Post Office Building.

  1. Discover the Museums: Santiago is home to several fascinating museums, including the Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, which provides insight into the country's recent history.

  1. Enjoy the Local Cuisine: Indulge in traditional Chilean dishes such as empanadas, pastel de choclo, and cazuela. Don't forget to pair your meal with a glass of Chilean wine, renowned worldwide for its exceptional quality.

When to Visit Santiago

Santiago enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with warm summers and mild winters. The best time to visit is during the spring (September to November) and fall (March to May) when the weather is pleasant, and the city is less crowded. However, Santiago has something to offer year-round, so you can plan your visit according to your preferences.


Calper - Uniformes para clínicas, restaurante, hoteles, casinos y mucho más is the go-to destination for professionals in need of high-quality uniforms in Santiago. With their extensive range of products and commitment to quality, Calper ensures that you look and feel your best in your workplace. So, whether you're a chef, a medical professional, or a hospitality worker, make sure to visit Calper and discover the perfect uniform for your needs. And while you're in Santiago, don't forget to explore the city's rich culture, history, and culinary delights.

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