Epic Tango Bar

138 xenofontos stratigou pedestrian new port (ACS Courier)), 49100 Corfu, Kerkira, Greece

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Experience the Passion of Tango at Epic Tango Bar in Corfu

Corfu, the stunning Greek island known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, is also home to a hidden gem for tango enthusiasts - Epic Tango Bar. Situated in the charming neighborhood of Mantouki, this bar offers a unique experience that captures the essence of the tango culture.

A Historical Dance with a Rich Significance

Tango, a dance of passion and connection, originated in the late 19th century in the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was born out of a fusion of African, European, and indigenous influences, creating a unique dance style that has captivated people around the world. At Epic Tango Bar, you can immerse yourself in this rich history and experience the magic of tango firsthand.

A Cozy Ambiance with Vintage Decor

As you step into Epic Tango Bar, you'll be transported back in time to the heyday of tango. The bar's vintage decor and cozy ambiance create an intimate setting that enhances the tango experience. Dimly lit spaces adorned with vintage photographs and memorabilia add to the nostalgic atmosphere, making it the perfect place to embrace the passion and rhythm of the tango.

Learn to Tango or Perfect Your Moves

Whether you're an experienced tango dancer or a beginner looking to learn, Epic Tango Bar has something for everyone. Skilled instructors are on hand to guide you through the steps and help you perfect your moves. Even if you've never danced before, you can quickly learn the basics and join in the excitement. Tango lessons are available on weekdays, catering to all levels from absolute beginners to advanced dancers.

Themed Nights and Special Events

To fully immerse yourself in the tango culture, make sure to visit Epic Tango Bar during one of their themed nights or special events. From live music performances to dance competitions, there's always something exciting happening here. Check their schedule or the Facebook page of the Corfu Tango Club to see what's coming up and plan your visit accordingly.

Explore the Charming Neighborhood of Mantouki

While you're in the area, take some time to explore the charming neighborhood of Mantouki. Stroll through its historic streets, alleys, and houses, and soak in the calm way of life of the residents. You'll also find atmospheric shops, coffee bars, and restaurants that are worth a visit. Combining your visit to Epic Tango Bar with a walk through Mantouki will make for a memorable day in Corfu.

When to Visit Epic Tango Bar

Epic Tango Bar welcomes tango enthusiasts throughout the year. Whether you're visiting Corfu during the summer months or in the off-season, you can still indulge in the passion of tango at this unique bar. Check the schedule of the Corfu Tango Club to see when there will be milongas during your holiday on the island.

So, if you're looking for a unique and memorable experience in Corfu, don't miss the opportunity to visit Epic Tango Bar. Whether you're a tango enthusiast or simply curious about this captivating dance, this bar offers an authentic tango experience in a cozy and nostalgic setting. Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to embrace the passion and rhythm of the tango at Epic Tango Bar in Corfu.

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