Parc des Bastions

Parc des Bastions, Prom. des Bastions 1, 1205 Genève, Suisse






Discover the Natural Oasis in the Heart of Genève: Parc des Bastions

Nestled in the heart of Genève, the Parc des Bastions is a true gem that offers a serene escape from the bustling city center. This historic park, located next to the Place de Neuve, is not only a haven of greenery but also home to some of the finest monuments in the city.

A Walk Through History

As you stroll along the promenade lined with majestic trees, you'll be transported back in time. The Parc des Bastions holds great historical significance, dating back to the 18th century. It was originally created as a garden-cum-promenade to provide the city's inhabitants with a breath of fresh air while remaining within the fortifications.

Monuments and Chess Sets

One of the highlights of the Parc des Bastions is its collection of impressive monuments. The most iconic among them is the Reformation Wall, built in 1917, which pays tribute to the key figures of the Protestant Reformation. This monumental sculpture is a must-see for history enthusiasts.

Another unique feature of the park is the presence of several life-size chess sets. Chess enthusiasts can challenge their skills while enjoying the peaceful surroundings. It's a delightful sight to see people engaged in strategic battles amidst the lush greenery.

A Botanical Wonderland

Nature lovers will be delighted by the diverse flora that adorns the Parc des Bastions. With over 200 different species of trees, the park takes you on a botanical journey around the world. From Japanese maples to Himalayan pines, each tree tells its own story. You can even explore the park's tree collection in detail through the free PARCS GENEVE app.

When to Visit

The Parc des Bastions is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. In spring, the park comes alive with vibrant blossoms, creating a picturesque setting for a leisurely walk. Summer invites visitors to relax on the park's benches and enjoy the warm sunshine. In autumn, the changing colors of the trees paint a breathtaking landscape, while winter brings a serene atmosphere, perfect for a peaceful retreat.

Nearby Attractions

Located in the heart of Genève, the Parc des Bastions is conveniently surrounded by other attractions. Just a short walk away, you'll find the Place de Neuve, a lively square known for its theaters and cultural events. The Old Town, with its charming cobblestone streets and historic buildings, is also within easy reach.


Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, the Parc des Bastions is a must-visit destination in Genève. Immerse yourself in the park's rich history, admire the impressive monuments, and revel in the beauty of its diverse flora. Plan your visit to this natural oasis and experience the magic of Parc des Bastions for yourself.

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