Theater am Rand

Zollbrücke 16, 16259 Oderaue
+49 33457 66521






Discover the Unique Theater am Rand in Oderaue

Located on the eastern edge of Germany, in the charming village of Zollbrücke on the banks of the Oder River, lies a hidden gem that combines nature, art, and captivating performances - Theater am Rand. This theater offers a truly unique experience that is unlike anything you've ever seen before. Let's dive into what makes this place so special.

A Blend of Nature and Art

Theater am Rand is a testament to the harmonious relationship between nature and art. The theater is nestled in a picturesque landscape, where the surrounding nature becomes an integral part of the performances. With up to 200 spectators, the open-air theater allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural surroundings while enjoying a captivating show.

A Fascinating History

The theater's story began in 1998 when it started as an intimate parlor stage in a centennial half-timbered house, accommodating only 32 spectators. However, as the popularity of the theater grew, a new house was built in 2006. The new structure features a unique design, with a protective roof supported by peeled oak trunks. The absence of right angles and the slanted nature of the construction add to the theater's aesthetic appeal, creating an atmosphere that is both enchanting and unconventional.

Handcrafted Performances

At Theater am Rand, you can expect to witness performances that are truly one-of-a-kind. The theater is the brainchild of accordionist Tobias Morgenstern and actor Thomas Rühmann, who bring their various projects to life on this stage. The performances are eloquent human stories, told with passion and professionalism. Each show is carefully crafted, ensuring a memorable experience for every spectator.

Pay What You Feel

One of the most intriguing aspects of Theater am Rand is its unique approach to ticketing. Instead of traditional admission fees, the theater operates on a "pay what you feel" basis. At the end of the performance, you have the opportunity to decide how much the evening was worth to you and contribute accordingly. This innovative approach allows for a more inclusive and accessible theater experience.

Plan Your Visit

To ensure you don't miss out on the captivating performances at Theater am Rand, it is recommended to make reservations in advance. You can reserve your spot either by phone at 033 457-66 521 or by email at Keep in mind that the theater regularly updates its schedule, so it's a good idea to check their website or contact them directly for the latest information.

Explore the Surrounding Area

While visiting Theater am Rand, take the opportunity to explore the charming village of Zollbrücke and its surroundings. The Oder River offers scenic views and the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll. Additionally, the region is known for its beautiful nature reserves, providing ample opportunities for hiking, biking, and birdwatching.


Theater am Rand in Oderaue is a hidden gem that combines nature, art, and captivating performances. With its unique blend of natural surroundings, handcrafted shows, and innovative ticketing approach, this theater offers an experience like no other. Make sure to plan your visit in advance and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Theater am Rand.

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