D-Top Fitness Clondalkin

Unit 4 Ace Enterprise park Neilstown, Clondalkin D22 HP89

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Discover the Fitness Hub of Clondalkin: D-Top Fitness Clondalkin

If you're looking for a fitness hub that offers a wide range of classes and training sessions, look no further than D-Top Fitness Clondalkin in Clondalkin. This popular fitness center is a go-to destination for locals and visitors alike, offering a variety of classes for women and men of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, D-Top Fitness Clondalkin has something for everyone.

Fun Facts about D-Top Fitness Clondalkin

Did you know that D-Top Fitness Clondalkin is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere? The trainers and staff are passionate about helping individuals achieve their fitness goals and create a supportive environment for everyone. The fitness center also offers affordable class rates, making it accessible to all.

Women's Classes at D-Top Fitness Clondalkin

For the ladies, D-Top Fitness Clondalkin offers a range of public classes designed to target different areas of the body. The "Full Body Blast" classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 am and 6:15 pm are perfect for those looking for a total body workout. If you're looking to focus on your abs, the "Abs Blast" classes on Tuesday at 9:30 am and 6:15 pm, as well as Saturday at 9:30 am, will help you tone and strengthen your core.

Over 55's Women's Classes

D-Top Fitness Clondalkin also caters to the over 55's with specialized classes. The "Circuit Training" sessions on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:15 am are designed to improve strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. These classes provide a supportive and inclusive environment for older adults to stay active and healthy.

Men's Conditioning Sessions

Men looking to enhance their fitness levels can join the "Strength & Conditioning" session on Tuesday at 7:00 pm. This class focuses on building strength, improving endurance, and increasing overall fitness. Additionally, the "Circuit Training" session on Thursday at 7:00 pm offers a challenging workout that targets multiple muscle groups.

When to Visit D-Top Fitness Clondalkin

D-Top Fitness Clondalkin operates throughout the week, making it convenient for both locals and tourists to attend classes. Whether you prefer morning or evening workouts, there are various class times available to suit your schedule. It's recommended to check the class timetable in advance to ensure you can secure a spot in your preferred session.


D-Top Fitness Clondalkin is a fitness hub that offers a diverse range of classes and training sessions for women and men of all ages and fitness levels. With its friendly atmosphere, affordable rates, and dedicated trainers, it's no wonder why this fitness center is a favorite among Clondalkin residents. So, whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, make sure to visit D-Top Fitness Clondalkin and experience the benefits of their classes and training sessions.

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