Sala Yapan

calle ceuta 3, 30500 Molina de Segura

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Experience the Ultimate Party at Sala Yapan in Molina de Segura

If you're looking for a place to let loose and have a great time in Molina de Segura, look no further than Sala Yapan. This vibrant party room is the go-to destination for locals and tourists alike, offering an unforgettable night filled with drinks, music, and endless fun.

Fun Facts about Sala Yapan

Sala Yapan is not just your average party venue. Here are some fun facts that make it stand out from the crowd:

  • The venue is known for its energetic atmosphere and top-notch sound system, ensuring that every partygoer has an incredible experience.

  • Sala Yapan hosts a variety of events, including live music performances, DJ nights, themed parties, and much more. There's always something exciting happening here.

  • The venue is spacious, allowing for a large number of guests to enjoy the party without feeling overcrowded. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to dance the night away, Sala Yapan has got you covered.

Things to Do and See

While Sala Yapan is primarily known for its lively parties, there are plenty of other things to do and see in Molina de Segura and its surrounding areas. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Explore the historic center of Molina de Segura, where you can admire beautiful architecture and visit landmarks such as the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Molina de Segura Museum.

  • Take a stroll along the Segura River, which runs through the town, and enjoy the picturesque views. There are also several parks and green spaces along the riverbank where you can relax and unwind.

  • Visit the nearby city of Murcia, located just a short drive away from Molina de Segura. Murcia is known for its stunning cathedral, charming old town, and vibrant food scene. Don't miss trying the local delicacy, "zarangollo," a delicious dish made with eggs, zucchini, and onions.

When to Visit

Sala Yapan is open throughout the year, so you can plan your visit based on your preferred dates. However, if you're looking for a truly unforgettable experience, try to coincide your visit with one of the venue's special events or themed parties. These occasions often attract a larger crowd and offer a unique atmosphere that you won't want to miss.


Sala Yapan in Molina de Segura is the ultimate party destination for those seeking a night of drinks, music, and non-stop fun. With its energetic atmosphere, top-notch sound system, and a variety of events, this party room guarantees an unforgettable experience. Don't forget to explore the charming town of Molina de Segura and its surroundings while you're there. Whether you're dancing the night away at Sala Yapan or exploring the historic center, Molina de Segura has something for everyone.

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