Verde Olivo Restaurante

Comunidad Ecologica, Peñalolén, Chile
+56 2 2279 1994

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Discover the Delights of Verde Olivo Restaurante in Peñalolén

Peñalolén, a vibrant commune in Santiago, Chile, is known for its stunning landscapes, accessibility, and a wide range of tourist attractions. Among the many highlights of this area is the thriving culinary scene, with numerous restaurants and eateries to explore. One standout establishment that should not be missed is Verde Olivo Restaurante.

A Taste of Mapuche Cuisine

Verde Olivo Restaurante stands out from the crowd by offering a unique dining experience centered around traditional Mapuche ingredients. Located at Antupirén 9401, this charming restaurant serves up a fusion of flavors that celebrate the rich culinary heritage of the Mapuche people.

A Rustic Ambiance

As you step into Verde Olivo Restaurante, you'll be greeted by a warm and rustic ambiance. The architecture of the restaurant reflects a rural charm, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere for diners. The natural surroundings, nestled at the foot of the Andes Mountains, add to the overall appeal of this hidden gem.

A Gastronomic Journey

Prepare your taste buds for a gastronomic journey through Latin American cuisine at Verde Olivo Restaurante. The menu features an array of mouthwatering dishes that showcase the diverse flavors of the region. From traditional Chilean delicacies to Latin American favorites, there is something to satisfy every palate.

Delight in Local Artisanal Chocolates

In addition to its delectable cuisine, Verde Olivo Restaurante also offers a selection of artisanal chocolates. Indulge in higos rellenos de manjar (figs filled with caramel), fruits dipped in chocolate, and other delightful treats. Each chocolate is handcrafted using traditional recipes, ensuring a truly authentic and delicious experience.

When to Visit

Verde Olivo Restaurante is open from Tuesday to Saturday for dinner, starting at 7:30 pm. If you prefer a daytime dining experience, the restaurant also serves lunch from Friday to Sunday, starting at 12:30 pm. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner or a leisurely lunch with friends and family, Verde Olivo Restaurante is the perfect destination.

Explore Peñalolén

While visiting Verde Olivo Restaurante, take the opportunity to explore the wonders of Peñalolén. This commune offers a range of attractions, from cycling festivals to breathtaking pre-mountain landscapes. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area and discover the charm of this vibrant community.


Verde Olivo Restaurante in Peñalolén is a culinary gem that should not be missed. With its focus on Mapuche cuisine, rustic ambiance, and delectable menu, it offers a unique dining experience in the heart of Chile. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable meal, Verde Olivo Restaurante is sure to leave a lasting impression. Plan your visit and embark on a culinary adventure in Peñalolén.

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