Wednesbury Leisure Centre

High Bullen, WS10 7HP Wednesbury

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Discover the Ultimate Fitness Destination at Wednesbury Leisure Centre

If you're looking for a top-notch fitness facility in the heart of Wednesbury, look no further than Wednesbury Leisure Centre. This state-of-the-art leisure center offers a wide range of activities and amenities that will keep you active and entertained. From swimming and fitness to group classes and sports, there's something for everyone at this impressive venue.

Unleash Your Inner Fitness Enthusiast

Wednesbury Leisure Centre is home to a 75-station fitness gym equipped with the latest exercise equipment. Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey, you'll find everything you need to achieve your goals. With over 75 pieces of equipment, you'll never run out of options to challenge yourself and stay motivated.

Dive into the Refreshing Pools

One of the highlights of Wednesbury Leisure Centre is its two deck-level pools. The large pool, measuring 25m x 12.5m, is perfect for swimming laps or simply cooling off on a hot day. The smaller pool, measuring 12.5m x 7.5m, provides a more intimate setting for leisurely swims or water-based activities. Both pools offer a depth range suitable for all ages and swimming abilities.

Get Your Heart Pumping with Group Classes

If you prefer working out in a group setting, Wednesbury Leisure Centre has you covered. With over 75 fitness classes offered each week, you'll find a class that suits your interests and fitness level. From Les Mills classes to Aqua Fit, Indoor Cycling, Pilates, and Yoga, there's something for every fitness enthusiast. The dedicated spin studio and two dance studios provide the perfect environment for high-energy workouts and dance-based fitness classes.

Sports and More

Wednesbury Leisure Centre isn't just about swimming and fitness. The center also features a three-court sports hall, offering opportunities for basketball, badminton, and other indoor sports. Whether you're looking to join a team or simply have some fun with friends, the sports hall is a great place to get active.

Visit and Explore

Wednesbury Leisure Centre is conveniently located in the heart of Wednesbury, making it easily accessible for both locals and visitors. The center offers ample free parking, so you don't have to worry about finding a spot. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and active day out, Wednesbury Leisure Centre is a must-visit destination.


Wednesbury Leisure Centre is a fitness lover's paradise. With its impressive range of facilities, including two pools, a well-equipped gym, and a variety of fitness classes, there's no shortage of activities to keep you engaged and motivated. Whether you're a local resident or visiting the area, make sure to carve out some time to explore this fantastic leisure center.

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