Faustini Arte, modern & contemporary

Borgo ognissanti 21 /23 r, 50123 Florence, Italy

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Discover the Vibrant World of Modern and Contemporary Art at Faustini Arte in Florence

Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, is renowned for its rich artistic heritage. While the city is famous for its classical masterpieces, it also boasts a thriving contemporary art scene. One must-visit destination for art enthusiasts seeking a taste of modern and contemporary Italian art is Faustini Arte.

A Haven for Modern and Contemporary Italian Art

Located in the heart of Florence, Faustini Arte is a gallery dedicated to showcasing the works of talented modern and contemporary Italian artists. The gallery provides a platform for emerging artists as well as established names, offering visitors a diverse and dynamic collection of artworks.

Fun Facts about Faustini Arte

  • Faustini Arte was founded by renowned art collector and curator, Alessandro Faustini, who has a deep passion for promoting contemporary Italian art.
  • The gallery features a rotating exhibition schedule, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting to discover.
  • Faustini Arte collaborates with both local and international artists, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas and artistic expression.
  • The gallery also hosts workshops and events, providing visitors with the opportunity to engage with the artists and gain insights into their creative processes.

Explore the Artistic Treasures

Stepping into Faustini Arte is like entering a world of artistic wonders. The gallery showcases a wide range of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, installations, and mixed media works. From abstract compositions to thought-provoking conceptual pieces, there is something to captivate every art lover.

Historical Significance

While Florence is renowned for its historical landmarks, such as the Duomo and the Uffizi Gallery, Faustini Arte adds a contemporary twist to the city's artistic landscape. By promoting modern and contemporary Italian art, the gallery contributes to the ongoing artistic dialogue and evolution of Florence as a cultural hub.

Architectural Features

The gallery itself is a work of art. Housed in a beautifully restored Renaissance building, the space seamlessly blends the old with the new. The architectural features, such as the high ceilings and arched windows, provide a stunning backdrop for the artworks on display, creating a harmonious fusion of past and present.

When to Visit

Faustini Arte is open throughout the year, allowing visitors to experience the vibrant world of modern and contemporary Italian art at any time. However, if you want to avoid the crowds and have a more intimate viewing experience, it is recommended to visit during weekdays or in the early morning hours.


Faustini Arte is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts seeking a glimpse into the world of modern and contemporary Italian art. With its diverse collection, engaging events, and stunning location, the gallery offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors. So, the next time you find yourself in Florence, make sure to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Faustini Arte.

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