Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l.

sp 130, Via Trani, km 2, 76123 Andria BT, Italien
+39 0883 599587






Discover the Art of Cheese Making at Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. in Andria

If you're a cheese lover, then a visit to Andria, a charming town in southern Italy, is a must. Andria is renowned for its rich cheese-making tradition and is home to the famous Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l., a family-owned cheese factory that has been producing exquisite cheeses for over a century.

A Century of Tradition and Craftsmanship

Established in 1918, Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. has a long-standing history of dedication to the art of cheese making. Passed down through generations, the family's passion and love for their craft have made them synonymous with guarantee and quality. The secret recipes and ancient knowledge of the cheese-making profession have been carefully preserved, ensuring that each cheese produced is a testament to their expertise.

Handcrafted Delights

Step into the world of Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. and be greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly made cheeses. Using only the finest local ingredients and high-quality milk, the skilled artisans at the cheese factory create a wide variety of mouthwatering cheeses, including the famous "Burrata" cheese that Andria is known for. Each cheese is lovingly handcrafted on-site, ensuring that every bite is a burst of flavor and goodness.

Explore the Cheese Shop

The cheese shop at Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. is a cheese lover's paradise. Here, you can browse through a tempting selection of freshly made cheeses, including different varieties of mozzarella and the delectable "Burrata." The shop prides itself on offering only the freshest and highest quality products, making it a favorite destination for cheese enthusiasts.

Fun Fact: Andria's Cheese Heritage

Andria's cheese-making heritage dates back centuries. The town's invention of the "Burrata" cheese, with its creamy center and delicate outer shell, has become a culinary sensation worldwide. Visitors to Andria can indulge in this local delicacy and explore the town's cheese culture through visits to cheese factories like Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l.

Plan Your Visit

To fully experience the cheese-making process and savor the flavors of Andria, it is recommended to visit Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. during their production hours. Witness the artisans at work, shaping and molding the cheeses with precision and care. You can also take part in guided tours that provide insights into the history and techniques of cheese making.

Andria itself is a charming town with a rich historical significance. While you're there, take the time to explore the town's architectural features, such as the impressive Castel del Monte, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Andria is also surrounded by picturesque countryside, offering opportunities for scenic walks and outdoor activities.

Whether you're a cheese connoisseur or simply appreciate the art of craftsmanship, a visit to Caseificio Sanguedolce S.r.l. in Andria is a delightful experience. Immerse yourself in the world of cheese making, taste the flavors of tradition, and discover why Andria is a haven for cheese lovers.

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