Center Parcs Het Meerdal

Laagheideweg 11, 5966 PL America, Netherlands

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Center Parcs Het Meerdal: A Family Paradise in America

If you are looking for a perfect family getaway in America, look no further than Center Parcs Het Meerdal. Nestled near Venlo, this picturesque resort offers a blend of relaxation, adventure, and natural beauty that will leave you and your loved ones with unforgettable memories.

Fun Facts about Center Parcs Het Meerdal

  • Center Parcs Het Meerdal is located in the heart of the stunning nature reserve De Peel, known for its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere.
  • The resort boasts a wide range of accommodations, from cozy cottages to luxurious villas, ensuring that every family can find their perfect home away from home.
  • With its extensive playgrounds and activities, Het Meerdal is designed to cater to the needs of children, allowing parents to unwind and enjoy their vacation.
  • The resort features a subtropical swimming paradise, complete with thrilling water slides, lazy rivers, and relaxing jacuzzis, providing endless hours of aquatic fun for the whole family.

Things to Do and See at Het Meerdal

  • Explore the surrounding nature reserve De Peel: Take a leisurely stroll or rent a bike to discover the breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and serene lakes that make this area so special.
  • Enjoy the Aqua Mundo: Dive into the subtropical swimming paradise, where you can splash around with your kids, relax in the sauna, or unwind in the steam bath.
  • Engage in outdoor activities: Het Meerdal offers a wide range of sports facilities, including tennis courts, mini-golf, and beach volleyball, ensuring that there is never a dull moment.
  • Visit nearby attractions: Take a day trip to the charming city of Venlo, known for its historic architecture, vibrant markets, and cultural events. Alternatively, explore the nearby Toverland amusement park, where thrilling rides and enchanting shows await.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

While Het Meerdal itself does not have significant historical or architectural features, its location near Venlo provides ample opportunities to delve into the rich history and stunning architecture of the region. Venlo is home to several historic buildings, such as the St. Martinus Church and the Town Hall, which showcase the city's cultural heritage.

When to Visit Het Meerdal

Het Meerdal is a year-round destination, offering something for every season. During the summer months, visitors can enjoy the warm weather and make the most of the outdoor activities. In the winter, the resort transforms into a cozy retreat, with festive decorations and a magical atmosphere. Whenever you choose to visit, Het Meerdal promises a memorable experience for the whole family.


Center Parcs Het Meerdal in America is a haven for families seeking a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and natural beauty. With its stunning location, fun-filled activities, and comfortable accommodations, this resort is sure to create lasting memories for everyone. Whether you're exploring the surrounding nature reserve, splashing around in the subtropical swimming paradise, or discovering the nearby attractions, Het Meerdal offers an unforgettable vacation experience. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and embark on a journey to this family paradise in America.

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