Discoteca Liceo

Calle Beatas 21, 29008 Málaga, Spain

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Discover the Magic of Discoteca Liceo in Málaga

If you're looking for a memorable night out in Málaga, look no further than Discoteca Liceo. Situated in the heart of the city's historic center, this iconic nightclub offers an unforgettable experience for locals and tourists alike. With its elegant yet avant-garde decor, Discoteca Liceo stands out as one of the most exclusive venues in town.

A Nightclub with a Unique Ambiance

Step into Discoteca Liceo and be transported to a world of sophistication and excitement. The club attracts a diverse crowd, but it is particularly popular among those aged between 30 and 45. Visitors come here to enjoy quality drinks and immerse themselves in the best music of the moment. Whether you're a fan of live music, stand-up comedy, juggling acts, or dance performances, Discoteca Liceo has it all. The club regularly hosts shows and live entertainment, adding an extra layer of excitement to your night.

Unparalleled Quality and Atmosphere

One of the hallmarks of Discoteca Liceo is its commitment to providing top-notch drinks and a fantastic atmosphere. The club offers a wide selection of premium brands, ensuring that every sip is a delight. Whether you prefer a classic cocktail or a glass of fine wine, the experienced bartenders at Discoteca Liceo will cater to your every need.

The ambiance at Discoteca Liceo is truly unbeatable. The combination of stylish decor, pulsating music, and a lively crowd creates an electric atmosphere that will keep you dancing until the early hours of the morning. The club's sleek and modern design adds to its allure, making it a must-visit destination for party-goers in Málaga.

When to Visit Discoteca Liceo

Discoteca Liceo is open throughout the week, but it truly comes alive on weekends. If you're looking for a vibrant and energetic night out, Friday and Saturday nights are the best times to visit. The club usually opens its doors around midnight and stays open until the early hours of the morning, allowing you to dance the night away.

Nearby Attractions

Located in the historic center of Málaga, Discoteca Liceo is surrounded by a wealth of attractions. After a night of dancing, you can explore the charming streets and squares nearby. Take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque Alcazaba, a Moorish fortress that offers stunning views of the city. Alternatively, visit the iconic Picasso Museum, which houses an impressive collection of the renowned artist's works.


Discoteca Liceo is more than just a nightclub; it's an experience. With its elegant decor, top-quality drinks, and lively atmosphere, this iconic venue is a must-visit for anyone looking to have a memorable night out in Málaga. So, put on your dancing shoes and get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of Discoteca Liceo.

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