Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus

Via della Selvotta, 25, 00060 Formello

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Discover the Natural Beauty of Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus in Formello

Nestled in the charming town of Formello, just 15 kilometers from Rome, lies the enchanting Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus. This non-profit nature park is a hidden gem that offers visitors a unique opportunity to connect with the flora, fauna, and ecosystem of central Italy, particularly the Park of Veii.

A Family's Love for Nature

Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus covers approximately 10 hectares within the Park of Veii and was brought to life by the Garruto family's deep love and passion for nature and animals. Through their association, the park has become a hub for nature-related activities and education.

A Haven for Wildlife

One of the main purposes of Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus is to increase interest and knowledge about the surrounding nature and habitat. The park is home to a variety of animal species, including some that are endangered in Italy. The association takes great care in maintaining the genetic strain of these species and offers visitors the opportunity to observe and learn about them up close.

Educational Experiences

Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus goes beyond being just a park; it is a place of learning and discovery. The association organizes guided tours, bird of prey flight demonstrations, and educational courses within the park. Visitors can witness the birth of new animals, such as birds, during the month of March and return a few months later to see their growth and even witness their training and flight.

A Museum of Natural Artifacts

Within the park, there is a small museum that showcases various natural artifacts. Visitors can marvel at birds' nests, eggs of nocturnal and diurnal birds of prey, and other fascinating exhibits. This museum provides a deeper understanding of the intricate world of nature and its wonders.

Plan Your Visit

To fully experience Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus, it is recommended to purchase a daily pass, which grants access to all park activities, including guided tours, bird of prey flight demonstrations, and the use of picnic areas (reservation required). For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy carefree days in the great outdoors, the park offers seasonal passes for individuals or families.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus is during the spring and summer months when the park is in full bloom. The lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and active wildlife create a picturesque setting for exploration and relaxation. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a family seeking outdoor adventures, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, this nature park is a must-visit destination.

In conclusion, Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus in Formello is a haven for nature lovers and a place where education and conservation go hand in hand. With its diverse wildlife, educational experiences, and beautiful surroundings, this hidden gem offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So, pack your bags, embrace the beauty of Formello, and embark on an unforgettable journey through Parco Natura La Selvotta Onlus.

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