Windermere Boat Hire

Winander House, Glebe Road, LA23 3HE Windermere

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Experience the Beauty of Windermere with Boat Hire

If you're looking for a unique and unforgettable experience in the heart of the Lake District, look no further than Windermere Boat Hire. Nestled on the shores of England's largest lake, Windermere offers breathtaking scenery and a tranquil atmosphere that is best explored by boat. With a fleet of self-drive electric boats available for hire, you can embark on a memorable adventure and create lasting memories with family and friends.

Easy and Accessible Boat Hire

One of the best things about Windermere Boat Hire is that no boating experience or license is required. Each hire boat is certified to carry up to 8 people, making it the perfect activity for families and groups of friends. Before setting sail, you'll receive full safety instructions and be provided with life jackets to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.

Explore Windermere at Your Own Pace

With Windermere Boat Hire, you have the freedom to choose the duration of your boat rental. Whether you prefer a quick hour-long excursion or a full day of exploration, the choice is yours. As you navigate the calm waters of Windermere, you'll be treated to stunning views of the surrounding mountains and lush greenery. Take your time to soak in the natural beauty and capture breathtaking photos of the picturesque landscape.

Fun Activities and Nearby Attractions

While boating on Windermere is undoubtedly the highlight of your visit, there are plenty of other activities and attractions to enjoy in the area. After your boat hire, you can explore the charming town of Windermere itself, with its quaint shops, cafes, and restaurants. Take a leisurely stroll along the lakeside promenade or visit the World of Beatrix Potter attraction, which brings the beloved children's stories to life.

For those seeking adventure, the Lake District offers a plethora of outdoor activities. Hiking enthusiasts can tackle the famous Wainwright's Coast to Coast trail or explore the stunning landscapes of the Lake District National Park. If you're a history buff, a visit to the nearby historic town of Ambleside is a must, with its ancient Roman fort and picturesque stone buildings.

When to Visit Windermere

Windermere is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer bring vibrant colors and pleasant temperatures, making it an ideal time for boating and outdoor activities. Autumn showcases the stunning foliage of the surrounding hills, creating a picturesque backdrop for your boat hire. Even in winter, Windermere's beauty shines through, with snow-capped mountains and a peaceful atmosphere.


Windermere Boat Hire offers an incredible opportunity to explore the beauty of Windermere and the surrounding Lake District. With no boating experience required, it's the perfect activity for everyone to enjoy. So, whether you're seeking a peaceful day on the water or an adventure-filled exploration of the area, Windermere Boat Hire is the perfect choice. Embark on a memorable journey and discover the magic of Windermere from the comfort of your own boat.

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