B&B Elly

Populierenlaan 33, 8420 De Haan, Belgique

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Experience the Charming Hospitality of B&B Elly in De Haan

Are you looking for a cozy and welcoming place to stay in De Haan? Look no further than B&B Elly, owned by Hans and Elly Swart. This charming bed and breakfast offers a casual and personal atmosphere that will make you feel right at home.

A Unique Location

B&B Elly is ideally situated in a unique location, just 1.5 km from the sea and the forest. This makes it a perfect choice for nature lovers and those who enjoy outdoor activities. The beautiful polders surrounding the house provide a picturesque backdrop for your stay.

Cycling Enthusiasts' Paradise

If you're a cycling enthusiast, B&B Elly is the perfect base for your adventures. The house is located in the polders, offering easy access to scenic cycling routes. Explore the stunning coastal landscapes and enjoy the fresh sea breeze as you pedal your way through De Haan and its surroundings.

Easy Access to Major Attractions

One of the advantages of staying at B&B Elly is its convenient location. With easy access by car, you can explore all the major attractions that the coastline has to offer. Whether you want to visit nearby towns like Bruges or Ostend, or spend a day at the beach, you'll find it all within reach. And the best part? Parking is a breeze, with ample space available right in front of the door.

A Delicious Breakfast Experience

Start your day off right with a delicious breakfast at B&B Elly. You can enjoy a full breakfast in the cozy lounge, gathered around the large table. If the weather permits, why not take your breakfast outside and savor it in the beautiful flower garden, with a view of the polders? It's the perfect way to kickstart your day of exploration and relaxation.

Fun Facts about De Haan

Did you know that De Haan is known as the "Belle Epoque" resort of Belgium? This charming coastal town is famous for its well-preserved architecture from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Take a stroll through the streets and admire the beautiful villas and grand hotels that transport you back in time.

Things to Do and See in De Haan

Aside from enjoying the comforts of B&B Elly, there are plenty of things to do and see in De Haan. Explore the sandy beaches and take a refreshing dip in the North Sea. Visit the picturesque Leopoldpark, where you can relax amidst the greenery or enjoy a picnic with your loved ones. Don't miss the iconic tram ride along the coast, offering breathtaking views of the sea and the surrounding landscapes.

Historical Significance

De Haan has a rich historical significance, particularly during World War II. The town was occupied by German forces, and remnants of the Atlantic Wall can still be seen along the coastline. History enthusiasts can visit the Spioenkop, a former German observation post, which now serves as a museum showcasing the history of the area.

Architectural Features

One of the highlights of De Haan is its architectural beauty. The town is known for its distinctive "cottage style" villas, characterized by their thatched roofs, colorful facades, and intricate details. Take a leisurely walk through the streets and marvel at the unique architectural features that make De Haan a truly charming destination.

When to Visit

De Haan is a year-round destination, with each season offering its own unique charm. Summer is the peak tourist season, with warm temperatures and bustling beaches. Spring and autumn are ideal for those seeking a quieter getaway, with mild weather and fewer crowds. Winter brings a cozy atmosphere, perfect for enjoying long walks on the beach and warming up by the fireplace at B&B Elly.

Plan Your Visit to B&B Elly

Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an active getaway, B&B Elly in De Haan offers the perfect accommodation for your needs. Experience the warm hospitality of Hans and Elly Swart, and enjoy the unique location, delicious breakfast, and easy access to major attractions. Don't miss out on this charming bed and breakfast – book your stay today and create unforgettable memories in De Haan.

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