Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast Loch Ness

Alltsaigh, Glenmoriston, IV63 7YD Inverness

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Discover the Charm of Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast Loch Ness in Inverness

Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Loch Ness, Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast offers a delightful retreat for travelers seeking a tranquil escape in the heart of Inverness. With its stunning views of the iconic Loch Ness and its proximity to the Great Glen Way, this charming B&B is a haven for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike.

A Scenic Haven by Loch Ness

One of the highlights of staying at Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast is the mesmerizing view of Loch Ness. Imagine waking up to the sight of the mist-covered waters and the possibility of catching a glimpse of the legendary Loch Ness Monster. The serene ambiance and picturesque surroundings make it an ideal place to unwind and reconnect with nature.

Comfortable Accommodations and Modern Amenities

Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast offers comfortable and well-appointed rooms, each equipped with modern amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. From free WiFi and television to tea and coffee-making facilities, every room is designed with your comfort in mind. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with family, you'll find the perfect accommodation to suit your needs.

Exploring the Great Glen Way

For outdoor enthusiasts, the Great Glen Way is a must-visit attraction near Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast. This long-distance trail stretches for 79 miles, following the natural fault line that forms the Great Glen. Embark on a scenic hike or bike ride along the trail, and immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of the Scottish Highlands. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the breathtaking vistas along the way.

Uncover Loch Ness' Historical Significance

Loch Ness is not only famous for its mythical monster but also for its rich historical significance. The area surrounding the Loch is steeped in history, with ancient castles, ruins, and archaeological sites waiting to be explored. Visit the iconic Urquhart Castle, perched on the shores of Loch Ness, and delve into its intriguing past. Learn about the battles fought, the legends that surround it, and enjoy panoramic views of the Loch from its vantage point.

When to Visit Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast

Inverness and Loch Ness are beautiful year-round destinations, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer bring vibrant colors and longer daylight hours, perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the surrounding countryside. Autumn paints the landscape in warm hues, creating a picturesque setting for leisurely walks. Winter transforms the area into a winter wonderland, with the possibility of catching a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster amidst the misty waters.


Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast Loch Ness is a hidden gem in Inverness, offering a peaceful retreat with stunning views of Loch Ness. Whether you're seeking adventure along the Great Glen Way or immersing yourself in the rich history of the area, this charming B&B provides the perfect base for your Scottish Highlands getaway. Plan your visit to Briar Bank Bed & Breakfast and experience the magic of Loch Ness for yourself.

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