Gole dell'Alcantara

Glamping Alcantara, Via Nazionale, 5, 98030 Motta Camastra ME, Italy
+39 0942 985010

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Unveiling the Enchanting Gole dell'Alcantara in Città metropolitana di Messina

Welcome to the hidden gem of Sicily, the Gole dell'Alcantara! Nestled in the heart of Città metropolitana di Messina, this natural wonder is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking adventure, beauty, and a touch of mythology. Let's dive into the captivating world of Gole dell'Alcantara and discover what makes it so special.

A Mythical Landscape

Legend has it that the goddess of beauty, Venus, once used the Gole dell'Alcantara as her private retreat. Enchanted by its remote location and flourishing nature, she sought solace in this corner of paradise. According to the myth, her husband Vulcan, the god of fire and metal, attempted to cool down the Alcantara river's waters to curb her libertine tendencies. While the success of his endeavor remains unknown, the icy cold waters of the river still flow through the canyon today, adding to its mystical allure.

A Geological Marvel

The Gole dell'Alcantara's origin dates back approximately 350,000 years ago when an underground earthquake shattered the solidified basalt stone, creating a long and deep fracture. This fracture now serves as a pathway for the Alcantara river, forming a breathtaking natural canyon that stretches for miles. As you explore the canyon, you'll be transported back in time, witnessing the Earth's ancient history etched into the walls of the gorge.

Immersed in Natural Beauty

Prepare to be captivated by the stunning flora and fauna that call the Gole dell'Alcantara home. During spring, the river banks come alive with vibrant anemones, poppies, and violets, creating a colorful tapestry against the backdrop of towering willow trees. Keep an eye out for majestic eagles, pilgrim falcons, and hawks soaring high above in the azure sky. If you visit during autumn, you may even witness the spectacle of migrating flocks heading towards Africa, adding an extra touch of wonder to your experience.

Activities and Itineraries

The Gole dell'Alcantara offers a range of activities and itineraries for visitors to enjoy. The park management has designed a plan that highlights the natural assets of the area. One popular itinerary is the Yellow Gold route, which takes you through endless fields of orange trees, showcasing the region's agricultural heritage. Additionally, you can explore the winding country lanes that were once traversed by Sicilian countrymen on their way to fruit fields, accompanied by their trusty donkeys or even heavy firearms. The possibilities for adventure and exploration are endless.

When to Visit

The Gole dell'Alcantara is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and autumn are particularly delightful, with mild temperatures and an explosion of colors. Summer can be hot, but the shade provided by the willow trees offers respite from the sun's rays. Winter brings a serene beauty to the canyon, with the possibility of witnessing the river's waters freezing in certain areas, creating a magical atmosphere.


If you're looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure in Sicily, the Gole dell'Alcantara is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Immerse yourself in its mythical landscape, marvel at its geological wonders, and embrace the natural beauty that surrounds you. Whether you're hiking through the canyon, discovering the local flora and fauna, or simply taking in the breathtaking views, this enchanting destination will leave an indelible mark on your travel memories. Plan your visit to the Gole dell'Alcantara and embark on a journey of discovery in the heart of Città metropolitana di Messina.

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