Camping Chantecler

41 Avenue du Val Saint andré, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France

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Camping Chantecler: A Hidden Gem in Aix-en-Provence

Nestled between the breathtaking landscapes of the sea and mountains, and the charm of an atypical city, Camping Chantecler in Aix-en-Provence offers a unique outdoor hotel experience. Whether you prefer the comfort of a mobile home or the simplicity of a caravan, this hidden gem is the perfect destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Fun Facts about Camping Chantecler

Did you know that Camping Chantecler is known for its vibrant atmosphere and lively events? During the summer season, the campsite's snack-bar-restaurant becomes a hub of activity, offering happy hours, apéro, and themed musical evenings. It's the perfect place to unwind and socialize with fellow travelers while enjoying delicious meals and refreshing drinks.

Another interesting fact is that Camping Chantecler allows guests to pre-order their favorite pastries and bread for breakfast. Imagine waking up to the aroma of freshly baked croissants and baguettes, delivered right to your doorstep. It's a delightful way to start your day and indulge in the authentic flavors of Provence.

Things to Do and See

Camping Chantecler is ideally located, offering easy access to a plethora of attractions and activities. Just a short drive away, you'll find the historic city center of Aix-en-Provence, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and stunning architecture. Take a leisurely stroll through the charming streets, visit the famous Cours Mirabeau, and explore the numerous art galleries and museums that showcase the city's artistic legacy.

For nature enthusiasts, the nearby Sainte-Victoire Mountain is a must-visit. This majestic peak, immortalized in the paintings of Paul Cézanne, offers breathtaking hiking trails and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on an adventure to discover the hidden treasures of this natural wonder.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Camping Chantecler and Aix-en-Provence is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. The region comes alive with vibrant colors, and the landscapes are adorned with blooming flowers and vineyards. It's the perfect time to explore the outdoor beauty of Provence without the crowds of the peak summer season.

However, if you're a fan of warm weather and bustling festivals, the summer months offer a lively atmosphere with numerous events and celebrations taking place in and around Aix-en-Provence. From music festivals to traditional markets, there's always something happening to keep you entertained.


Camping Chantecler in Aix-en-Provence is a true hidden gem that offers a unique outdoor hotel experience. With its vibrant atmosphere, convenient amenities, and proximity to both natural wonders and cultural treasures, it's the perfect destination for travelers seeking a blend of adventure and relaxation. Whether you're exploring the historic city center, hiking in the mountains, or simply enjoying the lively events at the campsite, Camping Chantecler promises an unforgettable stay in the heart of Provence.

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