Drum Art School

Ööbiku 1a, 11311 Tallinn, Estonia

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Discover the Rhythm at Drum Art School in Tallinn

Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. But did you know that Tallinn is also home to a unique and exciting place where you can unleash your inner musician? Welcome to Drum Art School, a haven for drum enthusiasts of all levels.

Fun Facts about Drum Art School

  • Regardless of your level of preparation, Drum Art School welcomes everyone who has a passion for drumming. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced drummer, their expert instructors will guide you on your musical journey.

  • The school offers both individual and group lessons, allowing you to choose the learning style that suits you best. You can opt for one or two lessons per week, with each lesson lasting 45 minutes.

  • Drum Art School believes that age is just a number when it comes to learning drums. They accept students from the age of 6 and above, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to explore their musical talents.

Unleash Your Musical Potential

Drum Art School provides a nurturing environment where you can develop your drumming skills and explore the world of rhythm. The experienced instructors at the school are passionate about teaching and will tailor their lessons to suit your individual needs and goals.

Things to Do and See in Tallinn

While you're in Tallinn, take the opportunity to explore the city's rich history and architectural wonders. Visit the UNESCO-listed Old Town, a well-preserved medieval city center with cobblestone streets, charming buildings, and picturesque squares. Don't miss the iconic Tallinn Town Hall, a Gothic masterpiece dating back to the 13th century.

For music lovers, Tallinn offers a vibrant music scene with numerous live performances and festivals throughout the year. Check out local venues and concert halls for a chance to experience the diverse range of musical genres that Tallinn has to offer.

When to Visit Drum Art School

Drum Art School operates throughout the year, allowing you to join their classes at any time. Whether you're visiting Tallinn for a short trip or planning a longer stay, you can easily incorporate drumming lessons into your itinerary.


Drum Art School in Tallinn is a must-visit destination for drum enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced drummer seeking to refine your skills, the school's expert instructors and welcoming atmosphere will ensure an unforgettable musical experience. So, why not discover the rhythm of Tallinn and unleash your musical potential at Drum Art School?

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