Castello Di Castellamonte

Strada Castello 4, 10081 Castellamonte
+39 0124 515614

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Discover the Enchanting Castello Di Castellamonte in Castellamonte

Nestled in the picturesque Canavese area of Italy, the charming town of Castellamonte is home to the magnificent Castello Di Castellamonte. With a history dating back to 1066, this enchanting castle holds significant historical and architectural importance. Let's delve into the captivating world of Castello Di Castellamonte and explore its wonders.

Historical Significance and Architectural Marvels

In the seventeenth century, Castello Di Castellamonte became the residence of Amedeo di Castellamonte, the renowned architect of the Savoy dynasty. Amedeo's architectural prowess is evident in his masterpiece, the Royal Palace of Venaria, which he designed and built. This grand palace, located in Turin, showcases his exceptional talent and is a testament to his contribution to Italian architecture.

Amedeo di Castellamonte also played a crucial role in the expansion and development of Castellamonte itself. He created a new plan for the city's expansions, incorporating the original Roman centuriation and preserving the oblique course of the "Borgo Po," now known as Via Po. Amedeo added porticoes and terraces, creating a stunning 1,250-meter-long path from the Royal Palace to the Po River. This path, known as Via Accademia Albertina, offers a delightful stroll through the heart of Castellamonte.

Things to Do and See

While visiting Castellamonte, be sure to explore the medieval village that surrounds the hill on which the ruins of the Conti San Martino castle stand. The village's semicircular layout adds to its charm, and you can immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the region as you wander through its narrow streets.

One of the highlights of Castellamonte is its renowned production of handmade and artistic ceramics. Take the opportunity to visit local workshops and witness the skilled artisans at work. You can even purchase unique ceramic pieces as souvenirs to cherish the memories of your visit.

Fun Facts and Scenic Views

Did you know that Castellamonte offers breathtaking panoramic views from the top of the hill? From there, you can admire the majestic mountains of the Orco and Soana valleys, as well as the rolling hills and the vast plain. The beauty of the surrounding landscape is truly awe-inspiring and provides a perfect backdrop for memorable photographs.

When to Visit

Castellamonte can be enjoyed throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer bring vibrant colors and pleasant weather, making it ideal for exploring the town and its surroundings. Autumn showcases the stunning foliage, creating a picturesque setting. Winter, on the other hand, offers a cozy atmosphere, perfect for savoring local delicacies and enjoying the warmth of the local hospitality.


Castello Di Castellamonte in Castellamonte is a hidden gem that combines history, architecture, and natural beauty. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, this captivating castle and its surrounding town will leave you spellbound. Plan your visit to Castellamonte and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Castello Di Castellamonte.

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