De Plas Houthalen

Binnenvaartstraat, 3530 Houthalen
+32 11 49 21 40
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Discover the Beauty of De Plas Houthalen in Houthalen

Nestled in the charming town of Houthalen, Belgium, lies the picturesque recreation park of De Plas. With its 20-hectare swimming pond and sandy beach, this hidden gem offers a perfect day trip for the whole family. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, take a refreshing swim, or enjoy a leisurely stroll, De Plas has something for everyone.

Fun Facts about De Plas Houthalen

  • De Plas is known for its stunning swimming pond, which covers an impressive 20 hectares. The sandy beach and designated swimming area make it an ideal spot for water activities and sunbathing.
  • The park is meticulously maintained by dedicated staff members who ensure cleanliness and a pleasant environment for visitors. You can expect a litter-free and well-maintained area during your visit.
  • De Plas is not just for swimmers. Even if you don't know how to swim, you can still enjoy the beauty of the park by sitting, lying down, or taking a leisurely walk along the beach.

Things to Do at De Plas Houthalen

Swimming and Beach Activities

During the summer months, from July 1st to August 31st, visitors can enjoy swimming at the beach within the designated swimming zone. The beach is open from 10 am to 6 pm, and swimming is only permitted when the green flag is raised. For safety reasons, swimming is prohibited when the red flag is displayed. Trained lifeguards and security personnel are present to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Walking and Jogging

De Plas offers scenic walking and jogging trails for those who prefer to stay on land. You can explore the park's natural surroundings and enjoy the tranquility of the area. The orange route, which starts from the entrance, is a popular 6.2-kilometer trail that takes you through the park's beautiful landscape.

Dog-Friendly Area

If you're visiting with your furry friend, there is a designated dog off-leash zone near the parking area. Dogs must be kept on a leash throughout the rest of the park and are not allowed in the water. This ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors.

Picnicking and Barbecuing

De Plas provides a perfect setting for a picnic with family and friends. You are welcome to bring your own food and enjoy a relaxing meal in the designated picnic areas. However, it is important to dispose of your waste properly in the provided trash bins or take it with you when you leave. Please note that barbecuing is not allowed in the park.

Plan Your Visit to De Plas Houthalen

De Plas is a popular destination during the summer months, especially for families seeking a fun-filled day by the water. To make the most of your visit, it is recommended to check the park's opening hours and swimming regulations beforehand. Remember, swimming is only permitted when lifeguards are present, and it is essential to adhere to the designated swimming zone for your safety.

Whether you're looking to swim, relax on the beach, or enjoy a leisurely walk, De Plas Houthalen offers a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Plan your visit to this beautiful recreation park and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

Vous souhaitez planifier un voyage ici ? Parlez à Maya, assistante de voyage IA .

Récits de voyage autour de De Plas Houthalen

Lieux à visiter autour de De Plas Houthalen