Galería Javier Román

San Juan de Letrán, 10, 29012 Málaga, Spain

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Discover Contemporary Art at Galería Javier Román in Málaga

If you're a lover of contemporary art, then a visit to Galería Javier Román in Málaga is an absolute must. This renowned art gallery has been promoting artists and showcasing their works since its establishment in 1999. With its commitment to supporting emerging talents and its active participation in international art fairs, Galería Javier Román has become a prominent destination for art enthusiasts from around the world.

A Rich History in the Art Market

Galería Javier Román may have been founded in 1999, but its director has had a long and successful career in the art market. With experience as both a gallerist and dealer, the gallery's director brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. This background ensures that the gallery consistently presents high-quality and thought-provoking artworks to its visitors.

Promoting New Artists in Málaga

One of the primary goals of Galería Javier Román is to promote the works of new and emerging artists. By providing a platform for these talented individuals, the gallery helps to nurture their careers and expose their art to a wider audience. This commitment to supporting artists is evident in the diverse range of exhibitions and events hosted by the gallery throughout the year.

A Showcase of Artistic Demonstrations

Galería Javier Román is not limited to traditional art exhibitions. The gallery also hosts various artistic demonstrations, including performances, installations, and multimedia presentations. This dynamic approach to showcasing art ensures that visitors are constantly engaged and exposed to innovative and boundary-pushing works.

Immerse Yourself in Contemporary Art

When you visit Galería Javier Román, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of contemporary art. The gallery features a wide range of artistic styles and mediums, from paintings and sculptures to photography and digital art. Each exhibition is carefully curated to create a unique and captivating experience for visitors.

When to Visit Galería Javier Román

Galería Javier Román is open throughout the year, allowing art enthusiasts to explore its exhibitions at their own pace. Whether you're visiting Málaga during the summer months or in the quieter off-season, you can always count on the gallery to provide a stimulating and enriching cultural experience.


Galería Javier Román is a gem in the vibrant art scene of Málaga. With its dedication to promoting new artists, its diverse range of exhibitions, and its active participation in international art fairs, the gallery offers a truly immersive and captivating experience for art lovers. So, if you find yourself in Málaga, make sure to pay a visit to Galería Javier Román and discover the exciting world of contemporary art.

Vous souhaitez planifier un voyage ici ? Parlez à Maya, assistante de voyage IA .

Récits de voyage autour de Galería Javier Román

Lieux à visiter autour de Galería Javier Román