Hotel Holiday Sarajevo

Zmaja od Bosne 4, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Discover the Historic Charm of Hotel Holiday Sarajevo

Nestled in the heart of Sarajevo, Hotel Holiday is a modern and luxurious hotel that offers a unique blend of contemporary design and traditional elegance. With its rich history and architectural significance, this hotel is a must-visit for travelers seeking a memorable stay in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A Witness to History

Built in 1984 during the 14th Winter Olympic Games, Hotel Holiday has been a witness to Bosnia and Herzegovina's recent history. Designed by the celebrated architect Ivan Štraus, the hotel beautifully captures the essence of the local culture and traditions. Its interior reflects the intimacy and aesthetic of the traditional Bosnian courtyard, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests.

A Legacy of Excellence

Hotel Holiday is the successor of the renowned hotel chain, Holiday Inn. Today, it is part of the most successful brand in Europe, with Hotel Europe at its lead. With such a prestigious background, the hotel continues to delight guests with its traditional elegance, high-quality service, and special features.

Explore Sarajevo's Attractions

Staying at Hotel Holiday puts you in the perfect location to explore the vibrant city of Sarajevo. Step outside the hotel, and you'll find yourself surrounded by a myriad of attractions. Take a stroll through the historic Baščaršija, the old bazaar district, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the city. Visit the iconic Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque, the Latin Bridge, and the Sarajevo City Hall, all within walking distance from the hotel.

Uncover Sarajevo's History

Sarajevo is a city steeped in history, and Hotel Holiday is a part of that narrative. During the Bosnian War, the hotel played a significant role as a temporary home for the Karadzic family and a gathering place for politicians. It also served as a refuge for international journalists covering the siege of Sarajevo. Today, the hotel stands as a symbol of resilience and hope, reminding visitors of the city's tumultuous past.

Architectural Marvel

The architectural design of Hotel Holiday is a testament to the creativity and vision of Ivan Štraus. The blend of contemporary elements with traditional Bosnian aesthetics creates a unique and captivating ambiance. The hotel's façade showcases a modernist style, while the interior exudes warmth and charm, reminiscent of a traditional Bosnian courtyard.

When to Visit

Sarajevo is a year-round destination, offering something for every season. Spring and autumn are particularly pleasant, with mild temperatures and fewer crowds. Summer brings vibrant festivals and outdoor activities, while winter transforms the city into a winter wonderland, perfect for skiing enthusiasts.

Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply seeking a luxurious and memorable stay, Hotel Holiday Sarajevo is the perfect choice. Immerse yourself in the city's rich history, explore its attractions, and experience the warm hospitality that this iconic hotel has to offer.

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