Landgoed Rijckholt

Provincialeweg 2, 4494NA Geersdijk

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Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Landgoed Rijckholt in Geersdijk

Nestled on the picturesque island of North Beveland in the province of Zeeland, Landgoed Rijckholt is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, history, and modern amenities. This 6.7-hectare estate was once a thriving fruit orchard, and today it boasts a range of facilities that make it a truly special place to visit.

A Haven for the Elderly and a Culinary Delight

At Landgoed Rijckholt, you'll find a sheltered housing complex for the elderly, providing a safe and caring environment for residents. The estate also features a renowned restaurant, De Korenbeurs, where you can indulge in a culinary experience like no other. The restaurant prides itself on using locally sourced produce and herbs from its own garden, ensuring that every dish is bursting with flavor. The friendly staff and exceptional service add to the overall dining experience.

Barbara's Bed & Breakfast: A Charming Retreat

For those seeking a weekend getaway or a family reunion, Barbara's Bed & Breakfast at Landgoed Rijckholt is the perfect choice. With 20 rooms, including family rooms ideal for young children, this charming accommodation offers a comfortable and relaxing stay. The well-maintained rooms, each with its own theme, provide a peaceful retreat after a day of exploring the surrounding area.

Fun and Adventure for Children

Landgoed Rijckholt is not just for adults; it also caters to the younger guests. Rijckholt Child offers a range of outdoor activities and games, ensuring that children have a memorable and enjoyable time. With a focus on providing a nurturing environment, the nursery is open seven days a week, allowing families to make the most of their weekends and holidays.

Explore the Surrounding Natural Beauty

One of the highlights of Landgoed Rijckholt is its stunning natural surroundings. With water on one side and lush greenery on the other, the estate offers a tranquil setting for relaxation and exploration. The area is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, with numerous walking and cycling trails that showcase the beauty of Zeeland's countryside. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll or an adrenaline-pumping bike ride, you'll find plenty of opportunities to connect with nature.

Convenient Location for Further Exploration

Landgoed Rijckholt's central location makes it an ideal base for exploring the wider region of Zeeland. Just a short distance away, you'll find the charming village of Kortgene and the Veerse Meer, a popular lake for water sports and recreation. If you're craving a day at the beach, the Oosterschelde and its pristine shores are only a 10-minute drive away. Additionally, the estate is within easy reach of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, a region waiting to be discovered by bike or car.

Plan Your Visit to Landgoed Rijckholt

Landgoed Rijckholt welcomes visitors year-round, each season offering its own unique charm. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat, a culinary adventure, or a family-friendly getaway, this estate has something for everyone. With its rich history, beautiful architecture, and serene surroundings, Landgoed Rijckholt is a destination that will leave a lasting impression.

So why wait? Start planning your visit to Landgoed Rijckholt in Geersdijk and immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of this remarkable estate.

Vous souhaitez planifier un voyage ici ? Parlez à Maya, assistante de voyage IA .

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