Camping Bonte Hoeve

Eiland 4, 4528 kg Waterlandkerkje

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Discover the Charm of Camping Bonte Hoeve in Waterlandkerkje

Nestled in the picturesque region of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen in Zeeland, Camping Bonte Hoeve offers a delightful escape for families seeking a peaceful and memorable camping experience. With its lush green surroundings and warm hospitality, this family campsite is a hidden gem worth exploring.

Fun Facts about Camping Bonte Hoeve

  • The campsite is conveniently located near the Belgian border, making it an ideal base for exploring both Zeeland and Belgium.
  • The spacious camping field is beautifully landscaped with plenty of greenery, providing a tranquil setting for relaxation and outdoor activities.
  • Camping Bonte Hoeve offers 15 spacious and well-maintained camping pitches with 4 Ampère electricity, ensuring a comfortable stay for campers.
  • The campsite is within walking distance of the charming village of St. Kruis, where visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture and enjoy the quaint atmosphere.

Things to Do and See

  1. Explore Waterlandkerkje: Take a leisurely stroll through the village of Waterlandkerkje and admire its traditional architecture and charming streets. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the historic St. Willibrordus Church, which dates back to the 13th century.

  1. Visit Aardenburg: Just 4 kilometers away from Camping Bonte Hoeve lies the town of Aardenburg, known for its rich history and archaeological treasures. Explore the ancient Roman ruins and visit the Aardenburg Museum to learn more about the town's fascinating past.

  1. Enjoy Outdoor Activities: The beautiful Zeeuws-Vlaanderen region offers a plethora of outdoor activities for nature enthusiasts. From cycling along scenic trails to hiking through picturesque landscapes, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The campsite also provides easy access to the nearby beaches, where visitors can soak up the sun and indulge in water sports.

Historical Significance

Waterlandkerkje and its surrounding area have a rich historical heritage. The village itself dates back to the 13th century and has witnessed various historical events throughout the centuries. A visit to the St. Willibrordus Church is a must for history buffs, as it showcases impressive architectural features and offers a glimpse into the past.

When to Visit

Camping Bonte Hoeve is a year-round destination, with each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer are ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the surrounding countryside. Autumn brings vibrant colors to the landscape, creating a picturesque setting for nature lovers. Winter offers a peaceful atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a quiet retreat.

Whether you're seeking a relaxing getaway or an adventure-filled vacation, Camping Bonte Hoeve in Waterlandkerkje is the perfect destination. With its serene surroundings, convenient location, and warm hospitality, this family campsite promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

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