Casa Museo Joe Petrosino

Via Giuseppe Petrosino, 6, 84034 Padula

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Discover the Fascinating History of Casa Museo Joe Petrosino in Padula

If you're a history enthusiast or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, Casa Museo Joe Petrosino in Padula is a must-visit destination. Located in the birthplace of Italian-American policeman Giuseppe "Joe" Petrosino, this house-museum offers a captivating journey into the life and legacy of this remarkable figure.

Historical Significance

Giuseppe "Joe" Petrosino was born in Padula on August 30, 1860, and later emigrated to New York with his parents at the age of 13. He became a renowned detective and returned to Italy to investigate the connections between the American and Sicilian mafia. Tragically, Petrosino was assassinated in Palermo on March 12, 1909, but his legacy lives on.

Explore the Authentic Ambiance

Casa Museo Joe Petrosino provides a unique opportunity to step back in time and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum is divided into two parts: the historical section and the multimedia section.

In the historical section, you can admire the original furniture and objects that belonged to the Petrosino family. From the baby crib adorned with delicate tulle to the toiletries displayed on a small vanity, every detail tells a story. The walls are adorned with original vintage photographs of Joe Petrosino's family, allowing you to glimpse into their lives.

Multimedia Experience

The multimedia section of the museum offers an innovative and informative experience. Through short films featuring actor Andrea Tidona portraying Joe Petrosino, you can witness the investigations and challenges faced by this courageous detective. The museum also delves into the themes of emigration, the mafia, and the antimafia movement, bringing the story into the present day with scenes, images, and interviews from the RAI archives.

Plan Your Visit

Casa Museo Joe Petrosino is open to the public and welcomes visitors with open arms. One of the unique aspects of this museum is the opportunity to hear the story directly from Joe Petrosino's great-grandson, John (Nino) Melito Petrosino, who generously shares his knowledge and insights with visitors free of charge.

To make the most of your visit, consider exploring the surrounding area of Padula as well. This charming town in the province of Salerno offers picturesque landscapes, historical sites, and delicious local cuisine. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Certosa di San Lorenzo, a stunning Carthusian monastery located nearby.


Casa Museo Joe Petrosino in Padula is a hidden gem that offers a captivating journey into the life and legacy of an extraordinary figure in law enforcement history. From the authentic ambiance of the historical section to the immersive multimedia experience, this museum provides a unique opportunity to learn about the fight against organized crime and the importance of the antimafia movement. Plan your visit to Padula and discover the fascinating story of Joe Petrosino.

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