The Heights of Abraham

4CFJ+PM Matlock, UK

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Discover the Spectacular Heights of Abraham in Derbyshire

Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Peak District, the Heights of Abraham is a must-visit tourist attraction in Derbyshire. Offering a unique and unforgettable experience, this hilltop park provides breathtaking views, fascinating underground tours, and a range of exciting activities for visitors of all ages.

A Rich History and Victorian Charm

The Heights of Abraham holds the distinction of being Derbyshire's oldest tourist attraction, dating back to 1780. Originally a Pleasure Ground, visitors would make the arduous climb from the valley floor to witness the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Today, the journey to the summit is made effortless by the cable car system, which has been carrying millions of visitors since its establishment in 1984.

Breathtaking Views and Natural Wonders

Once you reach the summit, prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring vistas of the Derwent Valley. The cable car ride itself is a thrilling experience, offering a bird's-eye view of the dramatic scenery below. As you explore the estate, you'll find zigzag paths and woodland trails that inspired the Romantic movement of the 18th century.

Underground Adventures and Fascinating Exhibitions

Delve into the depths of the Great Masson Cavern, a network of passageways and caverns created by lead mining activities that date back to Roman times. The underground tour takes you on a journey through time, showcasing the geological wonders and rich mining history of the Peak District. The Great Rutland Cavern also offers a glimpse into the life of a miner, providing an immersive experience of the mining industry.

Fun for the Whole Family

The Heights of Abraham is not just about history and natural beauty; it also offers a range of activities for children. The Explorers Challenge and Woodland Adventure play areas provide a fun and challenging environment for kids to burn off some energy. Additionally, the Treetops Visitor Centre houses the Terrace Café and The Vista Restaurant, where you can enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the stunning views.

When to Visit

The Heights of Abraham is open from late March to early November, with extended hours during holidays. It's advisable to check the official website for up-to-date opening times and to book in advance, especially during peak times. Whether you visit during the vibrant spring blooms, the lush greenery of summer, or the vibrant autumn colors, each season offers its own unique charm.


The Heights of Abraham in Derbyshire is a treasure trove of natural beauty, historical significance, and family-friendly activities. From the exhilarating cable car ride to the underground wonders of the caverns, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So, plan your visit to this captivating hilltop park and immerse yourself in the breathtaking views and fascinating history that await you.

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