a-ke Surfboards

Tatoiou 157, 144 52 Athens, Greece
+30 21 0625 0041

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Discover the Thrill of Surfing with a-ke Surfboards in Athens

If you're a surfing enthusiast or simply looking to try out this exhilarating water sport, Athens has a hidden gem that will surely catch your attention - a-ke Surfboards. This 100% Greek-owned and operated surfboard manufacturing company is dedicated to providing surfers with top-quality boards and equipment for an unforgettable surfing experience.

Unleash Your Inner Surfer with a-ke Surfboards

a-ke Surfboards collaborates closely with world-renowned surfboard shapers to create boards that cater to the needs of surfers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, a-ke has the perfect board for you. These boards are meticulously crafted using environmentally-friendly materials, ensuring that your surfing adventures are not only thrilling but also sustainable.

A One-Stop-Shop for All Your Surfing Needs

What sets a-ke Surfboards apart is their commitment to providing surfers with a comprehensive surfing experience. Alongside their top-notch surfboards, a-ke offers a range of equipment to enhance your time on the waves. From Agenteighteen's high-tech wetsuits to bars of wax that provide optimal grip on your board, a-ke has everything you need to make the most of your surfing sessions.

Explore the Waters of Lake Athens

Located on the picturesque Lake Athens, a-ke Surfboards offers the perfect setting for your surfing adventures. This 1,799-acre spring-fed lake is renowned for its largemouth bass, making it a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts. However, Lake Athens is not just for anglers. It also provides ample opportunities for watersport activities, including surfing.

Enjoy the Surrounding Beauty

While visiting a-ke Surfboards, take a moment to soak in the stunning views of Lake Athens. The shoreline offers a tranquil setting where you can relax and appreciate the natural beauty of the area. Whether you're lounging on the beach or taking a leisurely stroll along the water's edge, the serene atmosphere will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

When to Visit a-ke Surfboards

The best time to visit a-ke Surfboards in Athens is during the warmer months, from spring to early autumn. During this time, the weather is ideal for surfing, with pleasant temperatures and calm waters. However, if you're an experienced surfer seeking a more challenging experience, the winter months can bring larger swells and more powerful waves.


If you're looking to experience the thrill of surfing in Athens, a-ke Surfboards is the place to be. With their high-quality surfboards and comprehensive range of equipment, they provide everything you need for an unforgettable surfing adventure. Located on the picturesque Lake Athens, this hidden gem offers not only fantastic surfing opportunities but also a chance to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area. So, grab your board and get ready to ride the waves with a-ke Surfboards in Athens!

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