John Scotts Kungsgatan

Kungsgatan, 37, 111 56 Stockholm, Sweden

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Discover the Charm of John Scotts Kungsgatan in Stockholm

If you're looking for a unique and entertaining experience in Stockholm, look no further than John Scotts Kungsgatan. This vibrant venue offers a perfect blend of history, entertainment, and delicious food. Let's dive into the captivating world of John Scotts and explore what makes it a must-visit destination in the heart of Stockholm.

A Historical Gem

The story of John Scotts dates back to the late 18th century when the area was known as Wohlfahrts Meadows in Gothenburg. The landowner, Jacobina Scott, married an Englishman named John Henry Scott, giving the area its new name, the English Quarter. In 1867, the city of Stockholm acquired the land from the Scott family, and since then, it has undergone modernization while retaining its distinctive English architectural features.

Fun Facts and Entertainment Galore

John Scotts Kungsgatan offers a wide range of entertainment options for visitors of all ages. With over 250 seats, three bars, and 16 full bowling alleys, there's never a dull moment here. Whether you're looking to challenge your friends to a friendly bowling match or simply relax with a refreshing drink, John Scotts has got you covered.

A Culinary Delight

Aside from its entertainment offerings, John Scotts Kungsgatan is also renowned for its delectable food. The menu features a variety of dishes inspired by both Swedish and international cuisine. From mouthwatering burgers to traditional Swedish meatballs, there's something to satisfy every palate. Don't forget to pair your meal with a refreshing beverage from their extensive drink menu.

Nearby Attractions

Located in the heart of Stockholm, John Scotts Kungsgatan is surrounded by a plethora of attractions. After enjoying a fun-filled day at John Scotts, take a stroll to nearby landmarks such as the Royal Palace, Gamla Stan (Old Town), or the picturesque waterfront area of Djurgården. These attractions offer a glimpse into Stockholm's rich history and culture.

When to Visit

John Scotts Kungsgatan welcomes visitors every day of the week. Whether you're planning a weekend outing with friends or a family gathering, you can count on John Scotts to provide a memorable experience. The venue is particularly lively during evenings and weekends, so if you're looking for a vibrant atmosphere, plan your visit accordingly.


John Scotts Kungsgatan is a hidden gem in Stockholm, offering a unique blend of history, entertainment, and culinary delights. With its rich historical significance, captivating architecture, and a wide range of activities, it's no wonder that locals and tourists alike flock to this vibrant venue. So, the next time you find yourself in Stockholm, make sure to pay a visit to John Scotts Kungsgatan for an unforgettable experience.

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