Backwell Down Manor

Farleigh Backwell, BS48 3PJ Bristol, United Kingdom

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Discover the Charm of Backwell Down Manor in Bristol

Nestled in the picturesque village of Farleigh Backwell, just a short distance from central Bristol, lies the enchanting Backwell Down Manor. This magnificent Edwardian manor house, surrounded by 30 acres of rolling parkland and beautiful walled gardens, offers a truly luxurious and intimate setting for couples seeking a romantic getaway or a memorable wedding venue.

A Historical Gem

Built in 1906 by one of Bristol's most successful merchant families, Backwell Down Manor exudes elegance and grandeur. The manor's architecture, with its gables, leaded windows, and chimney pots, reflects the Edwardian era's charm and sophistication. Originally serving as the servants' quarters, the manor has a rich history, having been used as a nursery, play-school, and business premises before becoming a beloved family home.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

One of the highlights of a stay at Backwell Down Manor is the opportunity to explore the expansive private grounds. As you wander through the meticulously maintained gardens, you'll be captivated by the clipped hedges, topiary, and trimmed lawns. The woodland surrounding the manor adds a touch of tranquility, making it feel like your own private retreat. Don't be surprised if Darcy, the resident chocolate labrador, joins you for a leisurely stroll.

Luxurious Accommodations

The manor offers a range of accommodations, including a converted loft space known as "The Den." This spacious and elegantly decorated apartment provides a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. With sweeping views of the grounds through leaded windows, a smart bathroom stocked with White Company toiletries, and thoughtful touches like robes and treats, The Den ensures a truly indulgent stay.

Unwind and Rejuvenate

Backwell Down Manor offers more than just luxurious accommodations. Guests have access to a small gym and a yoga room, perfect for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Between May and September, the heated swimming pool and sun terrace are available for guests to enjoy. Imagine lounging by the pool, surrounded by the beauty of the estate, and soaking up the sun's rays.

Explore Bristol and Beyond

While Backwell Down Manor provides a serene escape, it's also conveniently located near Bristol's vibrant city center. Take a short bus ride into the city and discover its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and bustling markets. Explore the iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge, visit the historic Bristol Cathedral, or indulge in some retail therapy at the Cabot Circus shopping center.

When to Visit

Backwell Down Manor is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring brings the gardens to life with vibrant blooms, while summer allows guests to make the most of the outdoor amenities. Autumn paints the surrounding countryside in a tapestry of warm hues, and winter offers a cozy atmosphere with crackling fireplaces and festive decorations.

Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway, a memorable wedding venue, or simply a tranquil retreat, Backwell Down Manor in Bristol is the perfect choice. Immerse yourself in its rich history, explore the stunning grounds, and indulge in the luxurious accommodations. Your stay at this enchanting manor will leave you with cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

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