Castle Hotel Llandovery

Kings Road, SA20 0AP Llandovery

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Discover the Charming Castle Hotel Llandovery in Llandovery

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Carmarthenshire, known as the 'Garden of Wales,' lies the enchanting Castle Hotel Llandovery. This historic establishment has been a beloved landmark in the town for centuries, offering weary travelers a place to rest, replenish, and recharge their batteries. With its rich history, charming architecture, and warm Welsh hospitality, the Castle Hotel Llandovery is a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and memorable experience.

A Storied Past

The Castle Hotel Llandovery has a fascinating history that dates back centuries. Over the years, it has welcomed illustrious guests, including the renowned Admiral of the fleet Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, as well as the esteemed travel writer George Borrow. These notable figures have left their mark on the hotel, adding to its allure and sense of grandeur.

Architectural Charm

As you step into the Castle Hotel Llandovery, you'll be captivated by its timeless charm and character. The rustic oak beams, reclaimed flooring, and roaring log fires create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for escaping the chill of winter. During the summer months, the sun-dappled courtyard provides a tranquil hideaway where you can unwind and soak up the beauty of the surroundings.

Culinary Delights

One of the highlights of a visit to the Castle Hotel Llandovery is the delectable dining experience it offers. The hotel's commitment to celebrating Welsh cuisine is evident in its menu, which features simple, fresh, and robust dishes that are bursting with flavor. Whether you're craving traditional Welsh fare or international favorites, the Castle Hotel Llandovery has something to satisfy every palate. Pair your meal with a selection from their extensive list of cask Welsh beers, ciders, and guest ales, or explore their impressive wine list for a perfect complement to your dining experience.

Comfortable Accommodations

If you're looking to extend your stay, the Castle Hotel Llandovery offers comfortable and inviting accommodations. The beds are so cozy and inviting that guests have even offered to buy them! Rest assured, a good night's sleep awaits you after a day of exploring the charming town of Llandovery and its surrounding natural beauty.

When to Visit

While the Castle Hotel Llandovery is currently closed for refurbishment works, it is eagerly preparing to reopen its doors to guests. Keep an eye out for updates on their reopening date, as you won't want to miss the opportunity to experience the charm and hospitality of this historic establishment.

Explore Llandovery and Beyond

Llandovery itself is a delightful town to explore, with its quaint streets, independent shops, and friendly locals. Take a leisurely stroll along the River Towy, visit the Llandovery Castle ruins, or embark on a scenic hike in the nearby Brecon Beacons National Park. The Castle Hotel Llandovery serves as an ideal base for discovering the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the surrounding area.


The Castle Hotel Llandovery in Llandovery is a true gem, offering a blend of history, charm, and warm Welsh hospitality. Whether you're seeking a relaxing getaway, a culinary adventure, or an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of the region, this enchanting hotel is the perfect choice. Keep an eye out for its reopening and prepare to be captivated by the magic of the Castle Hotel Llandovery.

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