Planet Kart Vallecamonica

Via Saletti 18/20, 25050 Pian Camuno

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Experience the Thrill of Karting at Planet Kart Vallecamonica in Pian Camuno

If you're looking for an adrenaline-pumping activity in the beautiful region of Vallecamonica, look no further than Planet Kart in Pian Camuno. This modern indoor kart track is a haven for karting enthusiasts of all ages, offering an exhilarating experience that is sure to get your heart racing.

Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon

Planet Kart Vallecamonica boasts a spacious indoor track spanning an impressive 5,000 square meters. The track is designed to provide a thrilling and ever-changing karting experience, ensuring that each visit is unique and exciting. With its handsome acceleration, aggressive design, and clean, safe environment, Planet Kart offers the perfect setting to unleash your inner speed demon.

Fun for All Ages

One of the best things about Planet Kart is that there are no age limits, making it a fantastic activity for the whole family. However, to participate in the karting experience, there is a minimum height requirement of 110 cm. So, whether you're a seasoned karting pro or a first-time driver, everyone can join in on the fun and excitement.

More Than Just Karting

Planet Kart Vallecamonica is not just a karting track; it's a multifunctional facility that offers a range of amenities to enhance your visit. In addition to the thrilling karting experience, you'll find a ticket office, a games room, a bar with a cold table, a pizzeria, and relaxation areas. This means that even if you're not behind the wheel, there are plenty of activities to keep you entertained while you cheer on your friends and family.

Explore the Surrounding Area

While Planet Kart Vallecamonica is undoubtedly the highlight of Pian Camuno, there are also other attractions in the surrounding area that are worth exploring. Vallecamonica is known for its rich historical significance, with its rock carvings dating back thousands of years. Take a stroll through the nearby Camonica Valley and discover these fascinating prehistoric artworks, which have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

When to Visit

Planet Kart Vallecamonica is open year-round, allowing you to experience the thrill of karting no matter the season. However, it's worth noting that the facility can get busy during peak times, so it's advisable to book your karting session in advance to secure your spot. Whether you're visiting during the summer months or planning a winter getaway, Planet Kart is ready to provide an unforgettable karting experience.


If you're seeking an adrenaline rush and a memorable experience in Pian Camuno, Planet Kart Vallecamonica is the place to be. With its state-of-the-art indoor track, fun for all ages, and a range of amenities, it's the perfect destination for karting enthusiasts and families alike. So, gear up, buckle in, and get ready to feel the thrill of speed at Planet Kart Vallecamonica.

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